Not complete file, but orange crystal with merciful spirit, but I don’t know whether to invest into:
- size (big but would be hard to stack and ehhh)
- speed (fast but I don’t know if speed is good on paladin)
- both (low power/defense though, on paladin could be rough)
I don’t know if drawback would be good, I never use it though, and paladin already has some built-in drawback.
I’ll probably go I2 but the effects may be rough with a speed build.
150m/130v, gonna go more into vitality once it gets more weapons & skills
will update more later, busy rn
if its for pve then anything can work, but size invest is usually the way to go.
for pvp, speed is probably better. pala is in a weird spot right now. its kinda just a “worse mage” (imo).
i2 isnt unplayable on speed. i run i2 with speed
Just go 168 magic, vit is not your priority until later updates. 112 vit is 448 bonus HP, 130 is 520 bonus, not worth it for losing T3 Blast and T2 beam for ~80 HP.
Crystal has a higher size mod (1.1) compared to its speed (0.85)
Paladin is just mage but tanky + imbue; build as you normally would with mage, but feel safe with getting 300 defense; it’ll be 1700hp already, and any piece of oracle armor (or getting 30+ regen) will cover its built-in drawback.
Dont build normal drawback, its horrible for Vit builds.
I know, I probably should have gone 168.
I was assuming drawback would be awful but was curious
but yea I might go hybrid speed/size because I usually play speed but crystal with size seems really good
ty for advice tho I will most definitely consider it
also should I go I2?
@Misinput too
Should I use some intensity for beam/blast chaining and stuff like that? I feel it would be good with the limited moveset of paladin to have like just ~75 intensity
also might run some agility, depends on how mobile I feel
this is what I’m considering
You cant chain blast/beam as much as you used to anymore but its up to you. At most for intensity ill run an atlantean charged amelia hood which gives ~30
On palasin just go for main stats (power/def) and Id reccomend run attack speed or regen