Current build (I know we get these a lot)

Just wanted to know what I could improve upon since I’m trying to get a proper build for when I do have to PVP at higher fame tiers/ updates

your stats are too scattered
(also u need tier 2 enchants obviously)

his stats are scattered because:
drowned amulet (size that he wont use)
arcanium bracelet and charged enchant on amulet (intensity that he wont use)
the bracelet’s magic imbue (probably the agil that he will never use)

I suggest focusing more on your magic’s arcanium items, unless those just suck (i have no idea what magic you have so i cant tell). As the other guy said, you need t2 scrolls, and you should also get a better modifier than drowned on your amulet. If you dont have T2 max gems, get those too, I cant tell either. Also, gem secondary stats ideally are blocking power (meh IMO) or energy regeneration (what I use)

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not good but it couldve been alot worse. i already have ptsd from the last one that was posted

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Get 30 dark sea chests minimum, per expedition

Thanks, so yeah the build im going for is mostly focussing on power and defense as well as attack speed. (Running lightning magic BTW)

My gem crafting as of now is superb and my stats are a bit “scattered” since I ended up using charged on the drowned poeer amulet thinking that it wouldve granted me both strength and intensity.

As of now im trying to get powerful enchantments from my dark sea runs since its basically a direct upgrade to the strength modifiers I have rn. I may also swap around a few of the cernyx armors for calvuses once I can get a couple of his drops+ the armored modifier from a few of those sealed chest as well.

Also I am also currently going for energy regeneration on more of my gems but I “substituted” it for knockback using aeroplast since im running low on storm salts from my diving runs.

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How bad was the last one?

Agility, intensity, armor piercing, and atk size are too low to do anything. Focus on 2-3 stats for ur build, don’t spread too much. Also use t2 enchants if you can afford

It was 149 power with no defense, pretty much no substats. Had ardent on a triasta, tempered on great axe and great sword. He ran warrior


that gave me chills in my backs

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