Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

@ponsru21’s save file…

when you try to claim an island that’s owned by a clan with a higher tier of infamy than your clan it takes longer

why is that a feature

Specifically, it’s based on their infamy, I’ll go look for the exact numbers

Ok so it’s +1 sec for every 500 infamy the clan has, so to take an island from Constellia for example who has 2.5mil infamy irrc it’ll take 1 hour, 23 min and 40 seconds :skull:

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whats wrong tho



welcome to AO!

it’s just juggernauts are extremely rare to come by, that even seeing one could count as an arcane oddity

makes guilds have a reason to have more infamy.

he’s had a rough day at work
let him sleep

Least insane Vetex feature:

poor paladin on the ao wiki

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Paladin players FU


warlord with the shitty jpg

Remember when Warden wasn’t even a proper thing? Also there’s an inconsistency to these that pisses me off.

The sequel