Its not my search tab it was part of the picture
It got hungry
I ne w on y( SID
you weren’t really ever won my side?
Was repairing my ship, then some random tsunami sent me 50 meters away and I got one shotted by a shark.
Moral: Never repair your ship with hammer even when you are near island in the Dark Sea.
Yeah I won’t don’t worry. I just press q and I repair 1500 health
Weird place to bury your treasure
its risky to dig up so to be fair
its smart
Waves in the dark sea are more threatening run killers than giant white eyes at this point.
I avoid them like lava i wonder how i don’t have thassalophobia yet.
giant white eyes are rarely a threat due to how little they aggro
They are usually there to scare you shitless when you see that healthbar pop up + see them underwater right below your ship.
Btw, I did a great mistake to engage in a fight with speed-based atlantean brig which spammed mortars.
So I had like 6k hp left.
ermmm you dont get thallasophobia because the fear of the sea is more related to the abyss of looking down and not seeing a bottom then to fear weaves ermmm