Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

Giant White Eyes and Atlanteans suddenly aggroing on me every time I manage to blindly run past them on islands when I’m not paying attention to what’s in structures other than chests are the two biggest jumpscares I get from the Dark Sea

speaking of Atlanteans, finding ones that spawn as Wardens is just absolutely hilarious atm imo because with spirit weapons not being a thing yet they’re incapable of doing anything other than just following you around lol

That moment when a mutated atlantean jumpscares me with a ultimate art metal blast that covers 90% of my screen:

I think I’m gonna hate magic-using Atlanteans (and magic-using randomly-spawning NPCs in general) even more when Vetex adds M1 attacks for magic because then they’ll be able to start M1-spamming with magic

When you outmaster 2 atlantean brigs and run away from them with 142 ship’s hp.

Even small wave could have ended this run…

“I dont wanna have to swim”

some flying coconuts

alt misadventures

I’m assuming that you didn’t have frayed lead lines on your deckhands, since with 6 even a waves crash only does 100 damage without bracing

Too bad the coconut achievement doesn’t seem to be in game yet :sob:

I am not really all into new update’s stuff.

Nicest mage main



Cerulea child one second after being born:


You got mail

First - not “monkeys”, but “worms” or “things”
Second - Even 1 magic is already good enough
Third - as long as person possesses and uses magic, its good. That means that they did not reject the gift from the gods and will pass it down to their kids.
What the

Time to take out the belt and teach this cocky child the true ways of magic-racism

“Too bad that I have to use a fraction of the power my grandfather had please die so that I can save a bit of my pride” - king calvus before dying to a homeless hobo

Bro is purist but only likes Mages and Zerkers :skull: