Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

This truly is a peak fiction

I would gladly die for that piece of art to exist

You meant, to NOT exist, right?

he doesn’t

I said what I said

Uhhhh, ur weird if you want to let that art live then

someone send a pic of that so called art in context


No one will be sending that

you can scroll up and probably find it if you really want

Do you mean…

This post?

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And who is the evil twin among us two?

Hue hue hue, we can take turns sometimes >:3

i have 300 hours in this game and i didnt know about this, good job vetex

wait about what

the chests

the chests?

what a fun sunken party

I swear how does Taylor/Optical not see the chests there

Ayo whats sad in getting sunken iron piece?

No I meant what’s so special about that I saw the chests just didn’t think they were really special

lettuce was literally the only one that didnt get splashed by the luck pot, caught a sunken anyway