Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

Basically every dev in existence:
“Yeah I patch that bug!”
runs program
“Why is there 3 new bugs?”


That’s less cursed and more cool


environmental storytelling

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Reminds me of when you used to see

Player has joined the server
Player has earned the badge “Struck by lightning”
Player has left the server

mechanically separated arcanian

“They’ll never find me now…!”

Looks like you’re sleeping with the fishies…

“Time to make a new species” – John WorldofMagic (if anyone could find the image I would greatly appreciate it)

your life is worth NOTHING to me.

This looks genuinely cool wtf

Tried to find it in a topic from 2020, but man that change from world of magic forums to AO forums screwed up the links

Truly a moment of all time. :neutral_face:

not wrong about being forsaken eh

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That could’ve been ugly.

Naw the crew got flung to the seven seas :sob:

Bro is the reason we have mutated atlanteans