Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

“Sir! Atlantean Brig off our… starboard… bow…?”
“What’re you blatherin’ about, lad?! Ain’t a bloody thing there! Take a swig of your Warding potion and keep quiet!”
“… Yes sir…”


illusory boats and maybe enemies would be a cool idea for insanity effect ngl

Would certainly make it more paranoia-inducing. As of right now, it’s mostly just darkening the screen or inverting colors and whatnot. I’d like to see some true schizo moments brought about by Insanity, to make it have a real impact on you instead of just being something you can bear with.

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Hear me out, insanity playing the atlantean theme in far reaches.

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Hear me out
You start hearing leitmotifs of Brave Adventurers (WoM) and Toy Kingdom (AA) in far reaches


Or you should hear me out
In the far reaches you have a chance of hearing Averill’s, Trigno’s or maybe even Theos’s themes


I just remembered that my oddity was a double because there was no rain.

“Sir, theres an Atlantean Brig to our right-”

Damn I was joking about him being named John Worldofmagic :sob: but his name is literally Jonathan :skull:

Nice guess

no im actually psychic let me prove it
A Threat
(if you don’t know what I’m referencing consider yourself an opp)

this looks like your sheer aura is blasting that guy away


The interaction probably went something along the lines of:
“Shut up Osborn” forsakes you

Harvested Island


That iron leg guy has gone too far with his quest

This is what Sarlo does as his “retirement activity”

um guys
revon made an announcement after we killed Calvus
of course we weren’t there to hear it
very inspirational


why did you vent bru :sob:

somethings… not right…

thanos got to it