Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

eepy deckhadn

you got hit by the build bug that made you a beserker, but you still had imbues

While I did get hit by it I didn’t keep my imbues. I assume it was actually the inverse that happened

My clan leader took this


shit got so bad andrews had to lock in

Even the NPCs dislike leglords

Let’s fuckin go, Deckhands pulling their weight.

am i tripping or was this always in the game?

Always been here, yeh.

I like finding Golden ones, restores a lot of hunger for a shroom.

its been around since nimbus

Naturally spawns at cave

Added with Nimbus.

Huh, neat. Never noticed.

Me, picking up literally every item I see

I’ve actually never known about this q.q

They killed my boy Rill :sob:
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They had to find him one day
Makes me wonder how has Thorin not been caught yet

Oddities dump

How did you. how did you get your SKYSHIP. caught in a WHIRLPOOL.

Quite a fitting username, I suppose
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This needs no explanation
Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 6.26.55 PM

Excuse me what sea am I going to

Notorious Criminal Good

Who am I talking to, exactly?

I’m sorry, you’re WHAT LEVEL


I think I’m finally ready…
