“A visitor…? Hm… I have slept long enough.” ahh
This is a bronze sea criminal
built different
Dont have a screenshot rn, but an NPC with glass magic that I fought yesterday used the spell “fragile balls”
“The kingdom of Elysium has long forgotten my name.”
i like to imagine that weather events being nerfed like that was actually the “wrath of the gods” subsiding in real time
I’ve done it.
After like, 3 round of PvP, Phrixus broke his leg
ft. @/Rad_sushi
ye leg got sacrified to cerrunno
Wind should be able to do that.
Someone laced bro’s seawater with fent
Naw you tripped him
Unfortunately, Cernyx lost his foot in the fight which, understandably, damaged the boots
So instead of grinding for new ones, you just cut your own foot off, since it fits perfectly that way
2 fs spirit imbue
you stat reseted while having your basic combat imbued so it looks like you had 2nd awakening as a juggernaut, while keeping your eagle patrimony in your inventory to further prove this
Incorrect. I did not reset my stats before or during the time of taking this picture
then i have no other explainations
did point out that you had 2 fs and spirit imbue though, so it answered your demand