Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

That’s not just any jewel, that’s THE jewel (which is why it costs so much)

also saw this while loading in just now

professional cage inspector

i can confirm, this cage looks, feels, smells, and tastes like a cage

Speaking of the cage

Radius Kick leaked???

you guys should check out the note i left next to grima in redwake

look in chat bro

thats not an oddity, that happens every time i play AO

That’s a lot of people online

Never saw this many people connected

I don’t think there is actually that many people online I think it’s just a visual error

Fnaf title screen trees


old but this was years ago when AO wasn’t released lel

why are there two rakes

whoa triplets

This is a… familiar sight.

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