Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

"no talk to me me angy’

When some kid has more money than you and uses it to send some shit in the messages… :sob:

Spent real money to send this shit on arcane odyssey

wth bro you basically just copied @Mortal 's message :skull:

Yknow you don’t need to ping someone whenever you refer to them

I did not even read what he said broski

this actually makes sense, this could be a code base for future items that apply modifiers, maybe even the treasure chart ones. Like Blasted Essence, maybe. Vetex likes making code bases for future additions. As other people said, same for scrolls.

i have mastered parking


Na- Nani! His boat has a perfect balance!!!

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Chief, I think our skyship ran out of clouds.

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The darkness… no it can’t be… the rb1pocalypse has begun

the abyss sea

The fact that even those pants she has in that story section look like some old tiberian clothes…

…Im a Paladin.
Im not supposed to have that color of spirit energy.


top 10 anime betrayals:

elius if he joined the gang:

(it’d actually be so cool if he joined the gang, decides he wants to confront his sister by himself in the shining plains to both help MC and prove himself)

I want that sibling dynamic so bad, him trying to prove himself vs her not taking any bs

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