Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

fungi grow on dead things tho

i have an idea! we should get guard npcs to protect the island so we can have them kill enemies and use their bodies as mushroom food :grin:

According to a wiki user, they caught Shura looking like this.

I can only presume the front layer of mask didn’t load

That’s a big wide grin, Shura must be real happy to have awakened magic.

nah he just has a reverse skill issue and figured out imbuement because he was spamming magic blast into the ocean for a month

he’s on the arcane adventures grindset :speaking_head: :fire:

Shura got to level 120 by standing still before the universe was updated into AO and magic blasting with a macro, that’s why he caused pollution by doing nothing.

shura has lopjaw :sob:


double-oddity. first oddity is that im fighting him with no stats, second oddity is how he died


2 stacks of revealing?

nearby items are revealed
nearbyier items are revealed more

2 stacks? Revealing potions?
Weak. I do this with no harmful effects

People who eat the “spiciest thing in the world” and are like “is that it?”

I think the thing that makes this even better is that while being in the insanity 3 area of the dark sea and drinking 30 insanity 3 potions, I had no insanity effects.
I was completely fine, no warding either

One time I was in range 4 I think, my warding potion wore off, so I only had 3 warding at that point from armor. I was good, nothing bad happened.

Yeah I believe you there, mine was caused by warding potions wearing off while I did have warding gear on before. Except for me I took the warding gear off first because I was about to fight the atlanteans on the island in an attempt to have a cool death (I was stranded on the island), it didn’t go to plan and I killed them all, claiming the island as my home since insanity had no effect on me anymore.

In short, I literally defeated my inner demons (and outer demons) in a fight

Who’s the stranded insanity-immune monster now?!

That’s called “becoming an atlantean”, they’re immune to insanity because they became bloodthirsty beasts.

Well you know what they say: you are what you eat