Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)


“Who keeps on cleaning my leather boots for them to always be shining?”

rare cursed WoMent here

Generic, it does that every day.

I mean the fact half the parts are floating

Yeah that’s still pretty normal

Alright then why do y’all tolerate the 10000th post of a floating ship crew here


when wil this be canon
Screenshot 2024-09-22 171509

Did you know that

Now you know.


What was he using?

Fire paladin

(phoenix magic)

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Well, that seemed likely enough, but like, as for his gear? Did he tell you anything about WHY he beat you?

ask @123 , he was Theos

Sir, what’ve you been doing right?

I used my custom arcanium armor, Theos Armor.

I see…
I wouldn’t expect Theos to have attack speed, maybe agility however.

Agility is cringe.
Sincerely, Theos

You got me there, size though.

Nothing makes you look the part of powerful more than size.