Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

Speaking of which, Thermo and iLeg are nonsensical.
How you gonna tense your muscles so hard that your leg becomes solid metal and can even make people bleed from how sharp it is?
How you gonna get so hot while fighting that it makes your sweat evaporate and turns your fist into a grill?

That’s one hell of an Arcane Oddity.

One time I tripped on a wood floor and started bleeding
If an impact has enough force it can break the skin
Just saying

You uh

You do know that’s what fs aura is right? It’s the magicky parts of the otherwise normal fighting styles

But where’s it coming from? It’s not magic enough to hit a Sea Curse.
Is it all metaphorical? All to keep each fighting style from being basic combat with a twist?

Yeah it is

Since when was weapon aura able to hit sea curse and fs aura not able to

Well a weapon without an aura can’t make the cut, and neither can basic combat.

Sailor could because it’s full of magic energy.

No, basic has aura too

It’s just closer to weapons, where it doesn’t have any fancy special effects

But you don’t acquire an aura until awakening. So basic combat with no aura can’t do that.

Ok but post awakening it can

Okay but you don’t spend the whole game like that, bro.

internal bleeding is worse than bleeding, considering that it isn’t a sharp weapon, it wouldn’t puncture the skin (unless it’s used as a spear) and instead turn insides to mush.

I agree with thermo, though I can ask the same about how one would be manipulating foreign magic energy to shape its container (seawater) into coils and other shapes?

Average Stocksounds x Mr_hyperspace interaction, it could have been closed real fast but it kept on going.

AO seawater is already magic, so it can be magic.

It isn’t your body’s magic though, not only should you not be able to manipulate it as it’s foreign, but your body would also be breaking down due to the clashing energies.

Ain’t no clashing energies, you just eated it all. It’s as dangerous as swimming in it.
You can manipulate it because you’re the fighter who eated all the magic water.

Firstly, tornado directly on top of Siren Rock

Lightning struck siren up there

1 insanity makes sense

what’s the odditi

gyats next reply is reply 1000 make it good

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