Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 2)

I’d love if someone could ask him, it’s specific but I’d like to know

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Oh yeah, I forgot all about that. I haven’t actually wondered why those are there since my first playthrough.

Shining Plains, Fort Talos, and Wind-Row Island are also equally close though.

Wind-row Island has that constant wind steam (I think that’s it?), Shining Plains and Fort Talos have nothing unusual going on there as far as I am aware

Wind-row has unexplainable wind, Shining plains has deserters and Revon, Fort Talos collapsed, but it also didn’t.
They seem like some fairly odd locations, as much so as Harvest.

For a second I thought that instead of Crest it said ChatGPT

the grand navy REALLY wants me to hunt this guy

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genuinely made me shed a tear :cry:

they got out the batman spotlight

Nah, this is a hunger game’s tribute to the fallen.

cowboy angler atlantean

That’s so fucking cool

The wrangler fish

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Not again!

Nahhh man, I sailed into the Bright Sea

:skull: :bulb:

You are going to be facing calm seas, small waves, gusts of wind that push you away, magic bubbles that rise from the sea, and the occasional slow moving bolt of cold water.

That would actually make a great contrast to the dark sea, when is this being implemented?

You find a strange logbook...

The sea was still and smooth, as if it was a floor of stained glass that we could walk on; It was as if time had come to complete halt. No waves were in sight, and there no wind that would lift our sails.
After a few hours maybe, our lookout, Asher, began to notice huge ripples in the water. We had no idea what caused them, but we most definitely didn’t want to know.

I think it’s been two days since the fog has consumed us and we still have two weeks worth of supplies inside of our ship, but I fear that something might happen to us before we even get to worry about running out of it.

One of our guys began to pray for safety, it’s bringing down the whole crew’s moral. Should I have him see what’s behind those ripples?

It seems like the fog is growing denser and denser as time passes, only by a little for now, but it’s disturbing.

A massive bubble just rose from the water and blew up the ship’s bowsprit on its way to the skies, it looks like they’re the cause of our mystery ripples, but now we’ve got to wonder what are their sources.

Some of our men are beginning to grow insane, they can’t stand how thick the fog has gotten and how stale everything has been, literally. Food has grown more and more tasteless by the day and sleep has been getting increasingly short and rough, I’m guessing that this fog is the origin of these happenings.
Besides that, we’re also beginning to run out of supplies. I hope that we’ll make it out of here.

The remaining pages are blank, you can only assume that an unfortunate fate befell those people since their quartermaster’s logbook is now in your hands.


the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming

Oh wow you made an actual short story out of it

(also I forgot to mention, you would of course get warding as you go further in)

triple cutlass