Cursed WoMents/Arcane Oddities (Part 1)

Zoro if he used pistols instead of swords

6 gun style: Nirvana of guns!

Just tried to search for that one three muskets zoro picture dropped in reminders-but-talking-is-allowed god knows when. Im giving up


looking at this and at my character, i realized something

the face dirt is square png

like, if you zoom in a bit you can see where it end very clearly

most people wont notice that sure, but i do and it slightly irks me

BRO EVERYONE NOTICES THAT (how did you not know)

You don’t have to zoom in


not trying to be rude just saying howww

i hate looking at people’s face/eyes, that include in-game so i never noticed lol


eye contact:

I’m guessing he’s a poison conjurer?

Edit: Forgot that comment was made almost a month ago until right after I replied

Essence of Kurt Cobain

(I’m sorry)

I have encountered a problem.

wrong post

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This was BY FAR the most awkward interaction I have ever had with another player.

video doesn’t work for me hmmm

Not only you

smartest gravy player

Since when gravy/as bounty hunters had above 10 IQ?