Curses are overpowered

So everyone knows curses are quite broken, but I’m not sure if everyone knows just how broken they actually are. Lemme give a few examples:

The Tide Curse
The Tide Curse is genuinely overpowered and I really don’t get why people don’t point this out more. You could literally manipulate the water in a dude’s body and essentially bloodbend them into doing whatever, or just slap or drown a bunch of villages with water. You could prepare and time certain attacks and systematically break down an entire country, dude…

The Earth Curse
The Earth Curse is also, again, genuinely cracked. Bones have calcium, meaning anyone with the Earth Curse could probably mimic bloodbending as with the Tide Curse. Earth is also incredibly abundant (and it probably takes less energy to bend a curse’s element from an external source then straight-up create it) meaning the curse could probably deconstruct entire mountains and terrain. Also, a lot of buildings and everyday things are made from earthly minerals, meaning those things could also be deconstructed pretty quickly. This applies to “earthly curses” like the Crystal and Metal curses, so they’d actually be able to do the same. Not to mention the fact you could literally just summon a giant rock and drop it on whatever…

The Crystal Curse
Since jewelry and a lot of other things are made from minerals and so, anyone with the crystal curse could distort those things or make them violently explode. They could attract jewelry via a telekinesis-ish way or other materials, which would be a pretty dope way of getting cash, honestly.

The Lightning Curse
Don’t like someone? Just electrocute them or smite em’ with lightning. Need to get somewhere? Just turn into lightning or give yourself lightning-ish feet to move at a third of the speed of light! Need some energy in your machine? Just zap it with a bit o’ lightning! The amount of applications and power this thing is just completely insane.

The Metal Curse
Again, a lot of things are made from metal, so they could be deconstructed or reconstructed in whatever possible way. Furthermore, most guns don’t work as they use iron bullets or bullets of a certain metal, meaning a Metal Curse user wouldn’t even need to pop their metal form, though their actual metal form would probably give them a degree of super-strength and just demolish or completely tank any lesser materials or attacks.

The Lazarus Curse
The Lazarus Curse is, in layman’s terms, simply broken. You get stronger 2x for each time you die, and ‘stronger’ likely applies to your body in general, meaning both durability and strength. A guy who’s died enough times could probably tank bullets or extremely heavy stuff while simultaneously punch/hit like a bleepin’ monster truck.

Those are just a few examples, as I don’t have the time or the will to make an example for every single curse, but yes.

So, we’ve proven that all the curses are utterly broken and just have way too many applications to count. On the other hand, can you think of some stuff curses could do that I didn’t list here?


Curses were a mistake for humanity


snaps neck

actually dies


I am pretty sure that only the Tide curse can manipulate it’s element without creating it, since that’s the entire gimmick of it and not every Sea Curse

I never contradicted that.

Not this topic again

High-tech water gun automatically fills itself, no pumping required 💦 -  YouTube


Whoever has this also removes the downside of ocean water = death

It’s only the sea curse users have to avoid, yknow’…

Curses are curses, so they op

U are a nerd, hence the name

Yea that’s the purpose of God Cubes

i think its because people like talking about the SUPER op ones (like a supercurse with promethean flame and energy, that would literally make you an undefeatable god.)

i think you’re leaving out the part where every time you die the chance of getting revived next time goes down, i doubt vetex would just add the immortality cube with no weaknesses and call cursebeard the strongest.

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How powerful would equinox curse be?

is equinox even a mutation? remember that AA webcomic is not cannon

also i mean thats the point of curses, they don’t need balance is not like we will use them

its a planned ancient magic wym


here i go on my nitpick again but yeah, magic radiation and u being made of magic energy does not end well

but aside from that ur ok

Almost in vulnerable to physical attacks

Tho that more part of the lore then in game