Custom funny scps part 1: SCP 001: The Glizzy Muncher

initiating yapping…
I actually made a collabarative slideshow in my school where we create stupid funny scps and this is one i made so I may post those too.

Author: wheatwhole/apizzachef

Class: Keter

Scientific name: Frankfurter Würstchen Greatphagous

Containment Procedures: This SCP is to be kept in a fast food kitchen where it’s sanity is highest, The glizzy muncher must remain at least 6 feet away from any glizzy/hot-dog or human. If there is a glizzy nearby, it will grab the glizzy and swallow it whole, sparing a human; but if by any circumstance a human is caught by the glizzy muncher without a glizzy, the muncher will grab the human by their [REDACTED], transform it into a hotdog, and swallow them whole. When done, a glizzy will be expelled in the form of the munchers waste. There is about a 1% chance however that the victim will be reborn as a muncher themselves after being grabbed. The victim will only then be turned to human again if it hasn’t eaten enough glizzies or dies of glizzy defamation. For any reason that a victim is found not to have a glizzy with them and are confronted by a muncher, they must lay on the ground for as long as possible due to the munchers inability to reach down low. Additionally, the now-returned human then will be immune to munchers, along with ability to communicate with them in mustard language.

About: The muncher was originally invented as a cute hotdog children’s puppet in 197_ by a German shopkeeper with the name of ______________
The muncher was first a human that was consumed by a radioactive hotdog puppet (notice the human like body and hotdog head) The glizzy muncher is a keter class SCP that can grab anyone by their toes, or by their hotdog if they have one. It has very tiny eyes, a sausage topped with sauces in between bread buns for a tongue, and clawed bread fingers. A recent case includes a women who attempted to wear a hotdog costume in order to be spared since she unfortunately didnt have a hotdog on her. Stupid idea. Shortly after, the woman dissapeared. rip. In another circumstance, a whole fast food place was eaten up and taken over by a glizzy muncher. There have also been reports of many glizzies/hotdogs gone missing mysteriously. The facility headmaster has addressed the issue of the Glizzy muncher and has contained it in a glizzy-like facility, along with giving the facility ketchup bottle suits before they can enter its habitat. Ironically, the muncher has also been known as, “…The best therapist in the world.” CURING rare spared people of depression completely, and removing cancer and future cancer.

In order to defeat the muncher, it is required to make a glizzy looking cake that isn’t flavored the same way it looks, deceiving the muncher. Once the SCP has fallen for the cake and eaten it, it will realize it has committed a true crime of not eating a glizzy and slowly go insane as it dies of glizzy defamation.

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i need to make more posts like this so i can hit my 1k like goal
after i finish writing all the scps ill move onto my stormforge syndicate lore but thats very difficult

Something doesn’t add up here.

How did this one escape containment to get onto the forums??!

Man, these new abnormalities are getting out of hand

Oh damn gotta fix that i think i forgot to replace it

sick ao story