Custom magic

Slime Rancher
Slime Rancher Magic yes. Give. :nod:


I dunno

My second idea for a magic is Plant magic, a lesser form of life magic but able to do damage. It would likely be a mutation of light and water. It would center around things such as vines and thorns, but would also have an extra self heal move that takes a while to charge up

Pros and Cons


-Q and R are able to immobilize people for 2 seconds, with the X move able to immobilize people for 4 seconds
-Only costs an average amount of energy
-Average in speed

-Bad in damage
-Some attacks take a while to charge



Q -Vine shot
The user creates a vine attack in a beam, immobilizing anyone hit for 2 seconds

E - Plant Whip
The user grabs opponent with a whip made out of rose vines, damaging them, then throwing them back a medium range

R - Thorn Crash
The user creates an explosion of plant-like tentacles with thorns, damaging people nearby and immobilizing them for 2 seconds

F - Plant magic: Thorn Trap
The user traps a person with thorny vines, damaging them until the trap goes away. Stays longer the longer the F key is held down.

Z - Blossom Shield
The user creates a shield out of vines and flowers, blocking any incoming damage. Fails to block the damage if its a fire or fire mutation blast

C - Photosynthesis
The user charges for 7 seconds, then heals 1/4 of their total HP

X - Thorn Mayhem
The user creates 3 thorn-riddled roots from the ground, which hit and explode wherever their cursor is pointed at. Has a chance to immobilize people hit by it for 4 seconds


I love slime rancher a lot

Slime Rancher :v:

Illusion Magic

not anything too specific other than making you see things that don’t exist


The player creates a fog like smoke cloud it’ll look like a normal grey cloud but if anybody else walks in it they’ll start seeing things that aren’t there like other players, NPC’s, something attacking them, and the space you’re seeing is rapidly changing colors the effect last longer on people that already have a lot of insanity and deals DoT to them too

Basically this is just client side if it wasn’t already a thing like you’d cast a blast but the other person wouldn’t see it on their screen and they’d probably jump into it but since client sided blast are ez to block you can just make it look like you’re casting a blast on their screen when you’re actually using another spell or just not using any spell to fake them out

When in a fight whatever attack your enemy just used you can use it right back and it has a chance of being stronger since your builds won’t be the exact same

You can create clones of yourself but you don’t control them and they have a free will of their own they’ll stay close to you they’re attacks won’t damage but you can and then just jump back in their mix to stay hidden

Swap Magic

Literally just grabbing 1 object or more and switching their places


this gives you 5 seconds to click on as many objects you want then when you’re finished just click whatever keybind your spell is on again and the objects will swap places at random example: some player is running from you so you use Distribution click on him and a tree right beside you and use it again now he’s right back next to you so he can’t run and you can get your hits in also you can create blast attacks with this if you hit 1 player the 1st time but a different player the 2nd time they’ll switch spots

lets say someone shoots a blast at you, you can place that blast somewhere else like at their own teammate or just right back at them and use that to dmg them with their own attack it or send it to your guy if they got a status effect so you can clear it for them if they’re in a status effect like frozen and about to get spammed you can send the effect flying somewhere else with Distribution

You can click on the map and swap places with anything on it or bring that object to you for instance if you’re in a team just click your teammates marker and teleport them to you same with bosses or you can switch places or you can do the same with inanimate objects except you’d hold up a rock or tree and throw it this would deal dmg and the dmg would scale depending on how fast the object was thrown how high it fell from and how large it was

another thing you could do with Distribution is a lil trolling if you’re fighting by a Volcano you can just click somebody and place them over lava reclick to get the effect and you just trolled them there are a lot of IQ plays you could do with this


Sounds very cool and likely to trick a lot of people!

in my headcanon, this is some hyper-advanced possible application of light magic. manipulating the visual information a specific individual’s eyes takes in.

using earth magic and other mutations to loosely replicate the textures of the illusions, as well as wind magic to make them hear matching sounds would basically be the perfect illusion technique when combined with it. i imagine it’d take lots of magic energy though, so the user would have to add a shit ton of restrictions like only using it for seconds at a time or only targeting one person at a time.

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Star magic. A combination of Plasma, Light, and Magma.

Best clash
Really Pretty
Fast af
AOE spells only
Slowest casting time
No shield

Q, Star Charge. has to be in the air to perform, you throw a magic blast from the sky that hurtles tower the target.
E, Heavens might, upper cut move where you kick the enemy back down again but it’s a shockwave move sending everyone into ragdoll mode
R, Arcane Barrage, You hold you hands up then bring them down with a barrage of beams with each individual shockwave effect.
F, Asteroid Slice, a move where you are a small spinning tornado.
Z, Ethereal Singularity, Sun/ stars light up with 3 fast beams, and 3 semi large stars that have a wave effect dealing damage but not nearly as much individually as other Z moves but slightly more if they all hit their target. Takes 25 seconds overall.

Another custom magic isnt really a custom magic but more of an AA adaptation. I’m thinking of Ink magic as an AA magic

It would still have the same stats other than a buffed attack and debuffed speed by a bit. It would be a mutation of Shadow and Water. It would be the blue variant. It would also have an extra move being C, which would be a short teleport with a charge.

Pros and cons


-Higher than average damage
-Blinds opponent
-Has a short teleport move

-Slower than average speed
-Teleport takes a while to charge, along with taking a while to be used again



Q - Ink Blade
The user creates a blast of ink, which blinds the opponent when it hits them.

E - Dye Crush
The user grabs the opponent and creates a ring of ink around the opponent, then zoning in onto the person and crushing them, dealing damage.

R - Paint Burst
The user creates a magic circle under them, then causing it to burst and dealing damage to people near the attack.

F - Blotch Rocket
The user grabs the opponent and launches them with ink, sending them very far back

Z - Ink Shield
The user creates a shield of ink, blocking any incoming attacks.

X - Staining Reaper
The user jumps into the air and has 6 magic circles surround them that charge for 5 seconds. After they are done charging, they send a gattling of inky beams which do a good amount of damage. The beams usually go for 15 seconds, but can go up to 23 seconds if held for long enough.

C - Stain Rush
The user creates a puddle of ink nearby, then dives into it, reappearing in another puddle that appears where their cursor is at

Photon Magic.

A rare mutation of Light Magic, it is extremely fast and hard to avoid, however, it deals very low damage to compensate.


Q - Divine Beam
The user shoots a very fast beam of pure light.

E - Divine Smash
The user teleports in front of their opponent, and delivers a powerful kick infused with pure light, knocking them back. Has a long cooldown compared to some of the other moves.

R - Photon Flash
Pretty much Divine Flash but it’s bigger, flashier, and pulses a lot, dealing damage with each pulse.

F - Divine ̶R̶a̶s̶e̶n̶g̶a̶n̶ Sphere
The user creates a sphere of pure light in their hand, and smashes it into their opponent. Has a very small hitbox, but does a lot of damage.

Z - Divine Counter
A counter move. When this is used before being hit by a projectile, the user will teleport right in front of their opponent, and they will kick them into the air-before slamming them back down into the ground with a photon-infused kick.

X - Divine Overdrive
Divine Shower on steroids. The user creates a massive Magic Circle, which then fires a gatling of hundreds of small light blasts. Individually, each blast literally only deals 2 damage, but because there are so many, this move can do an absolutely huge amount of damage if each and every one of the blasts manage to connect.

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uhh I only got concepts that are pretty much built for “uwu pretty magic”, not really the “ooo magic elemental that actually makes sense in the game itself or arcane universe”

I’ll just make some quick list to specify magic stuff I have thought of, since I haven’t really gone in too much in moves or details

Love Magic
  • this magic pretty much uses the feeling of the user’s love to attack, it doesn’t manipulate the target’s feelings lmao
  • stats are varied by types of love for each spell (like you pair types of love with spell types to create a spell)
    • pretty sure you gotta learn/unlock the love types along the way, and some types might be harder to unlock in some spells
  • haven’t really gone into details of stat thing but here’s some general idea (subjected to be changed)
    • passion = high magic and casting speed, not much power and size, very low knockback and strength
    • intimacy = high knockback and strength, not much magic and casting speed, very low power and size
    • commitment = high power and size, not much knockback and strength, very low magic and casting speed
    • yea you can combine those later to use for your spells too, and it basically rebalances the pros and cons (I’m too lazy to figure out that part rn but unlocking those shit might require some high-tier quests too)
  • I haven’t thought about it much but if I were to give it an effect, I might give it some slowing down/paralyzing effects lol
  • pretty sure I remembered thinking about some stuff about overusing these magics (aka. forcing out spells when your magic energy isn’t enough) that leaves more harm to the user
Flower Magic
  • you just… shoot out flowers
  • to be honest this could be one of the variations for plant magic (with its own variation sets bc flower variations)
  • pretty bad in clashes/damage, but hey it got speed and maybe a special effect (pollen allergy :troll:)
  • hehe pretty flower trails left behind
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fuck it, Poison Fire
A combination of fire and red poison, creating a poisonous burning energy a.k.a. very awesome


Q - Flaming Poison Bomb
A regular blast move that creates clouds like poison, while having fire’s damage and DoT.

E - Infectious Flame
A grab move that does 0 damage, but does poison DoT for 20 seconds like 1.5x the DoT of regular poison.

R - Burning Plague
A self explosion that deals damage and DoT like fire, whilst creating poison clouds.

F - Burning Fist Wave
A single punch that does 0 damage, but does only fire DoT for 5 seconds like 2x the DoT of regular fire, and a bigger hitbox with small knockback.

Z - Aura Guard
Concentrate the fire and poison aura to make a shield that blocks 80% incoming damage and creating poison clouds every time you get hit.

X - Plague Apocalypse
Create a single massive fire bomb dealing big damage and DoT in a massive area, while also creating a lot of clouds; this move should be slow to cast and has a slow projectile speed while draining a lot of energy.


Isnt there a magic like this already that’s a mutation of light called flash magic

I think flash magic was supposed to be a faster blinding version

you can already do this game lol

Pog necrobump


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