Custom magic

(Not sure if this were to go in game discussion, but I didn’t know where to put this)

A small question I have for people, if you were able to make a custom magic in the style of AA magics (set spells instead of customizable), what would it be? what would its attacks be?

awesome magic, when i click the e button it kicks some random person out of the game, and a red circle appears around me for no reason

the idea is if i get ganked i click the e button multiple times while running so that i can protect myself from the attackers. I will have to focus on melee weapons if i want to deal damage


Cool idea

My Idea would be a black hole magic called Rupture magic, which would be similar to Aether Lightning. It would be a mix of shadow magic and gravity magic.

Pros and Cons of the magic


-High damage
-Big AoE
-Takes people nearby and puts them in the vicinity of the attack

-Takes a long time to charge
-Very slow
-Takes away a lot of magic energy



Q - Rupture Bomb

The user sends a blast of pure darkness using their hand. If it is to hit a wall, it does an effect similar to Dark Devistation (the X ult of shadow, similar to the Q of aether lightning having an effect like the lightning ult), except those who are near the blast are drawn near the center of where the blast landed.

E - Vacuum Pull

The user makes a black dome that acts like a grab move that grabs a person in the vicinity and pulls them to the user, then sending the person flying far.

R - Void Burst

The user creates a giant shockwave of pure darkness that drags anyone near it into a closer vicinity of the user.

F - Rupture Fume

The user grabs a person and holds them in the air, then summons a magic circle under the person that sends out a gas-like darkness that damages them. The gas-like substance stays around for half a minute, causing damage to anyone nearby including the user.

Z - Dark Matter

The user charges their fist with rupture magic for a good minute, then releases it with any attack causing the attack to be superpowered and do 2.2x damage.

X - Rupture magic: Black Hole

The user jumps high into the air and summons a black hole above them which charges for 10 seconds. When its done charging, the black hole is launched to wherever the user aims . If it hits a person or the ground it causes a big spherical explosion, grabbing anyone nearby into the explosion.


Theres been so many posts about this topic lol

Good idea but 30 seconds is too long the ultimate is useless how about like 5 to 6 seconds

Tempest. Lightning clouds, with some wind capacities.

thanks for telling me, I changed it to 10 seconds now

Anti freeze poison magic a liquid based poison so it creates puddles instead of gas clouds it has slightly better clash rates then normal poison it removed the frozen status effect it’s status effect is “drenched in poison” or just drenched and it causes damage over time it has average speed good aoe but lacks magic size. It also has high damage

Slime Magic Spells:

Q - Slime Recon: The User fires 3 blobs of Living Slime which deal standard damage on impact and once landed; will start to attack the person who was hit. If none are hit the Slimes will go attack the nearest person. If no people are nearby they will follow the user until there are enemies nearby. Can have a maximum of 9 Slimes at once. Despawn after 15 seconds. Slimes are faster than run speed and have huge jump but health and damage are based on Magic Damage.

E - Slime Slam: The User grapples in front of them with Inanimate Slime. If hit anyone is successfully grappled; they will be lifted overhead and slammed back down; Causing massive damage and AoE. If it hits an object; the user will grapple over to it. If nothing is hit the slime will simply retract.

R - Slime Crush: A giant living Slime is summoned which traps anyone inside the radius; then jumps into the air and crashes down onto the ground; damaging everyone inside the slime and temporarily sticking them to the floor or whatever surface the explosion happened. (obviously does not affect the user)

F - Slime Fury: The user grapples onto the enemy using slime on both hands. Then proceeds to bring the victim over. The user then traps the victim in slime and forms solid blocks of slime on both hands resembling bricks; and proceeds to repeatedly punch the enemy with both hands.

Z - Slime Barrier: The User creates a wall of bouncy slime which bounces all attacks that hit the barrier; in the direction of the barrier. If anyone comes in contact with the barrier they will be knocked back by a large amount.

X - Slime Magic: Titan’s Fury: The User leaps into the air and creates a huge magic circle over their head. After the casting is finished the circle summons the upper half of a giant Slime Titan which repeatedly punches towards the cursor; firing giant slime fists after every punch. The spell ends with the user turning the upper half of the Slime Titan into slime; which the user then throws at the cursor creating a gigantic explosion.

C - Slime Magic: Knight’s Attire: The user surrounds themselves in slime as the slime morphs into a solid resembling metal. Grants the user a huge defense boost and a large physical damage boost.


I probably have a lot for this but I’ll keep it to just two (for others I’d probably say something I’ve suggested in the past like Slipstream or Primal Asphalt)

Magnetic Magic

A combination of Metal and Lightning, forming a magnetic metal that can be harnessed with ease and generate powerful electrical charges.

Magnetic magic would always win clashes with any magic susceptible to a magnet charge, such as anything Lightning-based, Plasma-based, or Metal-based, potentially absorbing the magic to strengthen the projectile.


Magnetic Propulsion

Create massive chunks of metal to slowly propel forwards, following your aim.

Magnetic Field

Use magnetic powers to create a swirl of razor slices of metal that repeatedly damage anyone in range.

Metal Storm

Raise up a flurry of metal pieces into the sky to rain them down upon a location, sending down a few lightning strikes.

Rail Gun

Charge-up a powerful metal rod for a lengthy time before sending it forward at breakneck speeds, crushing anything in its path.


Surround yourself with metal and combine it with magnetic force to create an electric aura.

Crushing Force

Send two chunks of metal in a curved trajectory towards the target. The chunks will trap the enemy between them, lift them upwards whilst electrocuting them, then slam them directly down with high force.

Positron Magic

Call upon Lightning composed entirely of antimatter for the ultimate destructive potential, knocking targets around.

Projectiles would act as surfaces and cause Positron to detonate immediately upon contact, destroying the clashing target.

Positron would come in Red-and-Black, Red-and-White, or both (I can’t decide).


Positron Pulse

Let loose a quick deluge of positron orbs all at once, that travel quick and explode on impact.

Full-Force Impact

Generate thrusting force by use of positrons to launch forward, ending with a giant punch that induces massive knockback. Knocked opponents would destroy surroundings.


Release positrons in all directions and set off a massive explosion comparable to a nuclear bomb.

Positron Conduction

Summon bolts of lightning that follows your cursor then detonates upon reaching a certain distance or hitting a target, leaving the target with a brief paralyzing shock.

Forking Chaos

Send forth a discharge of electricity that explodes, branching into smaller discharges that explode as well.

Positron Disarray

Unleash a cascade of positron beams with powerful destructive force.

sacrifice magic but instead of taking my hp away for buffs it just kills me cause me irl :relaxed:

I feel like this is a good time to mention there are too many lightning based lost magics lol

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It said to make a custom not a Lost/Prim. These are customs.

That’s true…

I do assume all of these are lost magic though cause they all seem broken in a way and they seem more unique then the typical elemental magic like the slime magic guy literally said the ultimate was a giant slime titan and “blackhole magic” is self explanatory

Yes but the purpose of a custom is just to be as broken as you want it to be. If I’m not wrong tech would kill people with Inferno in 1 or 2 shots. These are just supposed to be as good or as average as you want, it’s your magic not someone else’s.

Doesn’t make them Lost or Primordial because those magics are up for grabs for the public.

Ohhhh well shit then my anti freeze poison magic does the highest dps damage possible in the game 20-25 and the puddles are very large lol


Reality Magic

Basically a magic that revolves around messing with the universe, space and reality itself.


Q - Bioshpere Deformer
Users summons a turqoise/aquamarine glowing ball of energy and shoots it at wherever their mouse points it to, dealing good damage and always consuming a portion of terrain if it hits something.

R - Galaxy Burst
User collects a large amount of spatial energy and releases it one go, resulting in a big AoE attack that can also knock opponents away. If the user holds the attack for longer, enemies will be knocked more far away and they will also be temporarily stunned (1 second stun).

F - Planet Shaper (Medium Cast-time) (High Cooldown)
User creates a small portal on their hand and causes a medium sized chunk of terrain to shoot out from it, aiming it at their enemies. If the chunck of terrain hits someone (or something), the terrain will attatch itself to where it was hit, trapping the person hit and they will also take moderate damage. The person will have to break the terrain to get out and the terrain itself will manually despawn in a few minutes. Due to the nature of the magic (and not prevent it from being op), any projectiles that hit the terrain will have no further AOE (to prevent people from locking someone and then spamming AOE attacks).

X - Geographical Irresolution (Ultimate Move) (Medium Cast-time) (High Cooldown)
Users releases a massive ammount of universal energy with a very big AOE, causing enemies to take high damage and everything within the AOE of the attack to pixelate. Pixelated enemies cannot attack and take 2x damage and must wait till they are back to normal (a few seconds). Pixelated terrain is also much easier to break (2x damage) and enterting pixelated terrain will not pixelate yourself, neither does leaving pixelated terrain unpixelate you (if you’re pixelated).


Sounds very cool!