D-SCP-002 [The Happy Star]

note: the “D” in the SCP title means “Devious”. These are custom Devious SCPs i will be writing about and aren’t connected to the real SCP community.

Item: D-SCP-002

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-002-C is a passive, safe SCP that is meant to be contained in a simple bright-colored box. Level 2 personnel and above are permitted to contain this SCP. The personnel is required to stay on the white and black sections of the container or be wearing a black or white clothing in order for the star to not mistakenly teleport onto them and punish them. The door to the container is to be securely locked at all times, with the container covered in a white polyester and anti radiant to prevent it from becoming mutated.

Description: The passive object, “Happy Star” is presumed to run around in circles, from most SCP guards that watch it for fun. It seems to wield the ability of Light Form, in which getting hit by the star will temporarily blind you. The appearance of this SCP is a pitch white glowing star, with a black outline, animated in 8 frames. The SCP was mistakenly animated to life and created by █ It is said to be a 2D type SCP, invasive to the 3rd dimension. It is noted that the SCP will clone itself each 1-10 seconds until a Happy Moon object (not an SCP) appears and terminates all of the stars. The stars have been known to teleport on personnel therefore blinding them. Personnel or Russian Woman must not attack or come too close in contact with the SCP in any way or it will “smack” the personnel immediately, and give the victim Insanity for about 5 minutes. After each 5 minutes passes with insanity, the victim moves on to a new stage (see Addendum) The star can grow from 2 feet up to 130 feet in size.



Stage 1 of insanity: The victim is mentally teleported to a happy stars domain where he/she/they/it will eat food called █ with happy stars. The victim will also mingle with the stars, and many other things

Stage 2 of insanity: The victim appears conscious on the exterior, but possessed by stars.

Stage 3 of insanity: The victim will turn glowing white, this is a call for help, but sometimes occurs when the victim is being recovered by one of our rescuers.

Stage 4 of insanity: The victim will become a running happy star until it’s attacker star is terminated.


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