Daggers got absolutely gutted

Me after using daggers this update:


50 damage per hit on level 90 with a power enchant, plus like 2x as slow… holy shit these are unusable, rip my best ranged punish option as gold


bruh i feel you my strong level 80 branch bow does 36 damage

Why are people upset about this :sleeper:

I won’t understand.

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cause they wanted to use something with 0 startup, 0 endlag , light speed, high damage, all with no risk to them


Ah yes.

Because balance does not need to exist :nod:

daggers are so slow look at how slow this mf is

This update destroyed the weapons we shall use magic more

Lol its even worse for melee mains because destruction stat does absolutely nothing to fix this

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Weapon “mains” aren’t even intended to be a thing right now in the first place.

ok but even if we got fighting styles, using dual daggers is still a massive joke.

It would make non-magic builds more viable, yes. Some of the weapons would still be so garbage you’re better off using magic instead, yes. Even with 0 magic power.

dual daggers are the new 20 barrages

cause they miss having unpunishable, mach speed 200 dmg dealing projectiles that inflict bleed :fr:

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Vetex isn’t thanos, he can’t just snap and balance out the entire universe perfectly. I do assume in the future weapons/strength will be balanced out better once fighting styles and stuff are added. Weapon ability spam was crazy so I am glad we don’t have to deal with it right now though lol.

Also depending on how skill trees work or whatever it was that was planned, it could give you an opportunity to get more strength later on if you did intend on becoming more of a weapon main.

Preferably the weapons are a secondary choice of damage, but this update went overboard (my opinion) and just gutted all the weapons. There is no reason to use them in an actual pvp situation (sunken sword as an extra high jump is an exception :fr:)

I’d prefer if they made it so that weapons aren’t op as hell (like before) but are at least usable for certain situations.

and make the strength as an option to main weapons (at the cost of maining magic)

Probably something like you can do the same weapon dmg as before the update but without much secondary stats (weapon glass cannon build)

Also, Strength stat buffs damage by a flat amount. So this favours weapons with high atk speed

flashbacks to earlier today when someone used a 71 damage oath raging storm

daily reminder that dual daggers with 83 strength take about 2 seconds to cast and do 107 damage (each)

completely unrelated daily reminder that a 0 magic power wind blast takes half a second to cast and deals 125 damage.

Magic is superior to weapons in every situation as of right now

Weapon builds just handicap you for not buffing magic instead

As someone who uses a balanced mix of magic & weapons before the update; this really turned me off from pvp

I actually like the changes Vetex made to pvp, but I feel like the weapon nerfs were too much. Granted, he’s buffing them by 15 percent, but that’s still not gonna be nearly enough to fix dual daggers.

Well he just nerfed the damage by a percentage for all weapons, this impacts heavy weapons the most (vastira)

I don’t think he bothered with thinking about pvp meta and individual weapon balancing