Daggers got absolutely gutted

por que no los dos

Why not both?

because there daggers .-.
only damage should apply

if you hit both dual daggers you’ll do slightly more damage than a old spear.

for context, dual daggers have a slightly below .6 damage modifier for strength.

an old spear just has a flat out 1.0

I don’t care about the damage nerf it should just stay fast

Wait real. Bruh wth are bandits doing than?!??!?!

At least vastira has some use outside damage, same with sunken, which is why (probably) those weapons are the only ones being used at all

Idk i haven’t played since the update because i’m banned for 7 days for saying “gay people are gay”

literally everything about daggers got nerfed other than hitbox. It’s speed went down, “casting” speed went up, endlag went up, cooldown went up by a bit from what i can tell, damage went down.

Changed too many things at once. Buff the “casting” speed back to where it was, buff the endlag to where it was, and make daggers a punish option for slower magics to cover their weak points. They won’t be useful for faster magics because of their low damage (faster magics will have a better punish with a single blast attack) but they will be useful as a ranged punish for slower magics to deter people from just staying far away and spamming their blasts


I think the cooldown is the same.

The casting speed and endlag changes were good, but too extreme. Previously it was waaaay to fast, and left no window to punish.

Now if you use dual daggers, you’re just asking to get dropkicked. I wish we could find a decent middleground, instead of just leaping from extremes to extremes.

the previous was way too fast for it’s damage. if you nerfed the damage (aka keep it as is), and left it as a fast option, you’d essentially have old bow but with a 10 second cooldown. I don’t think old bow would be as bad if it had a 10 second cooldown, do you?

im doing a weapon-only file 0 spells used so far >:)
( its not for pvp for now)

I don’t think bow is healthy for the game, no matter its damage.

Dual daggers having virtually no start up time, cast time, or end lag isn’t exactly great for the “lock in place” style of combat we have right now.

If you want a more mobile system, sure. But we don’t have one. Right now, all attacks have the same basic idea - stand still to attack. Even fast buffed cast speed blasts follow that rule.

The one time that something becomes so fast that it effectively doesn’t have a stop, it becomes broken.
Sunken sword used to be like that. Was broken.
Bows? used to be like that, had it’s damage like halved, still was very strong.
Dual daggers? Was oppressively strong.

Point is, it doesn’t really matter how much damage you do, if it’s FREE damage. If you want to follow Pedro’s lead and petition for no movement restriction, that’s cool too.

I’m not talking about turning daggers into a new bow though. Bow was bad for the game because it had virtually no cooldown and no endlag. Daggers (before the update) still had some endlag, and some cast time. They felt more like just throwing two daggers consecutively, instead of now where they feel like throwing one dagger, then throwing another dagger.

Bow would be a LOT less useful if it had a 10 second cooldown. yes, it would be “free” damage, but you could just out dps it. Daggers would also, in this case, be “free” damage, but you can out dps them pretty easy, and it would be less optimal than literally just using a blast attack for more of the good magics. It would narrow the gap between good and horrible magics as the game stands, and give magics that are slower a punish option for fast magics who just opt to T-jump and spam blast attacks.

Blast attack spam is a boring and passive meta. Make it require you to pay attention more instead of just spamming 1 button and keeping your mouse on the other guy.

blast meta is better than counter meta imo.

I agree that right now, it’s definitely too slow in all regards. Too slow to start up, in between throws, and god the endlag.

But I still stand by my point that we shouldn’t reduce the start up /endlag time to what it was before, that’s just silly fast.

I get the weapon nerf but dual daggers were hit a bit too hard man… You can use weapons to cause bleed and enhance magic damage but bruh, dual daggers got shitted on. You’re better off with branch bow. They were okay back in open test 4 or anywhere before their buff, then became godlike, now crap. What a loop. :pear: