Daily Dose of AO Thumbnail?

  • Good Thumbnail (I’d Click)
  • Okay Thumbnail (50/50 Click)
  • Bad Thumbnail (Wtf u doin blud)

0 voters

Change the font to make me wanna rip my eyes out less and I’d click


This thumbnail is something I like to call “So bad it’s good”

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looks ironic

you’d have to do something the make the white eyes pop out more, the person too probably.

i like the text, but dont need the message bubble on the guy

remove the ahhhh thing, makes it less funny tbh

just leave the image like that, or maybe smt like “we’ll be right back” sht

the ahhh thing is just really goofy

would still click it tho

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AHHHHH! (Writing this message in parenthesis because for some idiotic reason you can’t send a message in all caps, Common vetex L)

if there’s one thing worse than the bad thumbnails, it’s thumbnails that use anime characters that literally have nothing to do with AO in a blocky r6 package for some goofy ass reason


I feel like it would be very difficult to make daily dose of AO entertaining since it is such a boring game. OMG THIS GUY JUST SHOT A 500 DAMAGE MOVE AT ME AHHHH

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