Dancing style - Water mage showcase!

I stated on an older post how about how I created my Arcane odyssey character with a certain idea in mind. I wanted her to be a ballerina inspired water mage! :droplet::ocean:

Her way of fighting is to be very fluent, as she is leaning on moving along the water as an extension of her body. Agility and speed play a major role as she always prefers to wear lightweight shoes and unrestricting clothing to allow as much motion as possible.

I did not depict her here in any kind of action scenario but I’d like to imagine that if I had cool magic ability’s I’d really have a lot of fun going around and experimenting with it! Like finding your own voice or style.
I’ve also gotten to practice more lighting, which is always good!


she’s so pretty and elegant :triumph:

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superi lit!!!1

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This makes me crave for a choreography-type fs

Yoo! This look great!

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Imagine her summoning a rain during sunny weather and thus making a rainbow

Yeahhh I think It would really fit in , Like the breakdancing in yakuza 0!

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Omg I must draw it! Seems like a good idea!!

Literally waterbending

damn this artwork is delightfully dynamic…

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she looks so beautiful !! i love how graceful you depicted her, all the flowy aspects like the dress and her long hair rlly make the piece elegant !

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I really want to animate this girl moving since I think it will show off exactly how I imagine her walking or fighting, It’s all so dynamic. And I think it will be so beautiful :face_with_hand_over_mouth::pleading_face: (And thank you aaa)

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Ik how to animate tbh but I’m already animating other stuff so maybe could be later

Jesus the woman version

Ahhhh don’t worry about it if you are referring to animating the idea, It’s completely alright, I’ll get to learning it eventually, but thank you ahahah and I’m looking forward to see whatever you make

Mmm Watr

Absolutely stellar!, Awesome!, Peak!, Spectacular!, Supreme!, Delightful!, Pure and utter beauty!, Absolute, I LOVE IT!

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Aurghh the community missed her!!

The community missed Lilly?? :flushed: Awwhhw, Really??