Danger sea from Blox fruit is a worse dark sea from AO

Where is the Bus Sea

I am deeply ashamed of myself :frowning:

Raids were the most grindy aspect of that game and that’s something hard to achieve.

The only thing they share with Vetex’s creativity is dev specs :skull:

they can creatively make new ways to take money from their playerbase

I mean I played at 2021 when there was an exploiter it was an EZ awk

There always exploiters that’s how everyone play that game.

Yea if you had an exploiter in a raid it was an EZ win for the raid as long as you don’t die

Ong Blox fruits is the only game I encourage exploiting on

BTW is anybody gonna bring this up in the Roblox community other than AO (Blox Fruits Blatantly stealing the idea of the Dark Sea in AO) :sob:

If they just used the same concept it wouldn’t be bad. Video game industry always did that.
But here it’s just straight up plagiarism

I mean it would be fine if they credited him but NOPE

Blox fruits jank sea sucks compared to AO

bfank sea vs aoark sea

Don’t bother, the blame will fall on ao

It sucks that a cash grab with way more players is plagiarizing from a small game and just killing it more. Though my biggest fear is that since my game will be put on an official platform, it has potential to grow bigger. I don’t wanna end up being blox fruits in this case cause my game has ideas from AO (but dark sea is in both the sky and the sea and the layers have different appearances and more features)

Its big difference first you are aware and you don’t have giant ass ego as a dev second if it’s not on roblox is it really a problem now?

no swears in title name fyi

It’s blox fruit.

its one of the rules lol

It’s blox fruit :moyai: