I’m willing to trade insanity 5 gels (SUPER valuable for ANY leaderboard player, imagine a blindness gel but far, FAR better and completely uncounterable) for fairly rare things, gimmie your offers and I’ll see if they’re nice (boss drops are bleeh).
Once again, insanity 5 gels are raw GOLD for if you’re being hunted, one hit and your opponent can’t see and is constantly being disrupted, and unlike other insanity ranges, warding does absolutely nothing against insanity 5. It may not kill them in 4 seconds, but the effects that they see will definitely make them wish it did.
Current inventory is:
2 Insanity IV Gels
Hit me up with offers, I’ll probably price them not that high for now.
And if you ever need anything that lurks below the sea (excluding sunken items), hit us up for a commission. We’re great at the whole diving thing.
I get that this is a joke but like cmon man we already spent a buncha time in the dark sea we aint wanna go suffer through insanity 2 just for a chance
Those are insanity 4 gels? What was that about insanity 5 gels? Were you trying to aim for people who didn’t see you were talking about something else?
Granted, no one builds for warding 5 unless they built for insanity 4 (which is something vetex put a stop to)
As for the “gold” bit, yeah they are useful, but so are stormsalts (for still-kinda-nyoom swimming), life remnants (perma proc love gel V), and a slew of other things for the same purpose. Plus, players can just prepare ahead of time by using tree sap revealing brews around islands as early as tier 0.
those are insanity 5 gels what are you on about, also tier 5 love gel can be countered by just drinking a love potion before getting hit, getting heal block, and stormsalt is far easier to get, not to mention once you get 50 you never need more. Plus, revealing potions are useless if your screen keeps moving around and blinding you and ruining your ears.
What’s having a circle around your target gonna help with when you have this happening? (skip to 7 min)
Love potions to counter love procs have to be the same tier as the gel effect. This is not singular apples in a love gel. Stormsalts are as you said, consistent, since a diving build is something non-perishable.
Because of non-mystery (idk if it even is a thing anymore with mystery since the mystery gel stealthpatch) insanity potion procs are purely visual, 3 does just about the same effect. Of course hazard and equip based insanity at 4 and 5 is lethal, potion insanity is only about the same visual effects as insanity 3 without the absurd DoT.
Plus insanity/warding glitching from gear messing with the actual procs. IIRC It is only the most effective on a player target with 0 insanity, which a lot of builds don’t have.