Dark Sea Doesn't Properly Zone You In

What were you doing before bug occurred: All I did was sail to the dark sea. I previously died, but this is a common enough occurrence that I don’t know how important it is.

Steps to reproduce: Sail into the dark sea, and sometimes miraculously it won’t properly zone you into any insanity zone higher than 0. For some odd reason, as a byproduct of this, no islands spawn, making it nearly impossible to farm for dark sealed chests as most would want from their expeditions.

F9 Logs ( press f9 to view them in-game):

Pictures/Videos: None aside from the F9 logs. Medal won’t let me clip the entirety of what happened, but suffice to say I was sailing straight into the dark sea for around 20 minutes without any islands or insanity zone changes.

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i dont think this has anything to do with you, the player in any way
ive seen this issue before and it’s an entire server’s dark sea not functioning; nothing spawns for anyone, no matter who goes in and out.
havent seen it in a good while though

I’ve had it crop up 3 times in roughly the past 5 days or so–it’s a bit of a pain, especially when I have a few friends frequently playing the game so I have to continually find different servers or just put up with not being able to enter the dark sea

definitely is a pain, even if this isn’t fixed soon (i assume it’s been hard to diagnose) the serverlist will mitigate the problem

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