It’s probably the stretch between the two, slightly bloated by chaos going nuts over some islands
Ooh, the second one is interesting… because in AO, its implied that the Gods weren’t exactly good that even Poseidon himself thought taking them down was “for the greater good”, and that there was more to Arthur killing Prometheus than just being “greedy wizard”. The second dialogue states that the Gods somehow abandoned the people, even their “faithful servants”.
But whether or not the Gods actually did forsake the people for their own causes or this is actually referring to how the Gods died is unknown. But hey, I’d take any crumbs lol
arcane lore be like:
oh shit prometheus gave us magic
he fucked up, now he dead
oh shit some kid found a purple cube
he fucked up, now we dead
now what will be the next “oh shit” moment i wonder
oh shit order of aesir got a blue and black cube
AO MC and the gang tries to stop the Order in the 6th Sea from their goal, seemingly succeeds at first and then one thing goes wrong and the most ancient, dangerous threat in the entire world gets unsealed and so the world gets absolutely f**ked
I think that “the most ancient threat” will be the final boss, even though it would be really cliché
Tbh, idc abt cliches, AO kinda has a lot of them anyway.
Its also really likely that this boss is the same one from WoM, as Hero Storyline desc also mentioned defeating the “most ancient and dangerous threat”, and this was what Vetex described it:
Well, that explains why War Ages will be important, the ancient being possibly being around that time (interesting it has actually been unsealed before)
Honestly, in a world where people can be extremely powerful (Durza, Freedrock, etc…), “big” threats will still appear. Also since Magius or something like it isn’t in the lore document, we can assume that after the final battle, the world will be in a state of desolation, as Chaos will probably be attract after this battle, and except other sea clusters we know nothing about, there will be no place like Magius for refugees since the Old Sea and the Seven Seas are pretty much destroyed, and we know nothing about the two other sea clusters, so they could be completely empty.
It’s weird, since this thing probably has some relation to Magic, and Magic has only been there for 1700ish years, and in this time period it was sealed and unsealed multiple times yet no one of the commonfolk seems to know? That stuff would make it’s way into legends wouldn’t it?
Magic was there at the beginning of the world, since Chaos is the source of it
Yes, but I can only assume that thing was sealed by humans, otherwise how would humans (the MC) fight it now, so that means it was sealed with “human” magic, or at least defeated that way, therefore it can’t have been sealed for millions of years
Gods may have sealed it
Thats why we have the Gods and their Legacies. Dont you remember that only through the people with their “blood” can it get unsealed, which is why the Order is experimenting on Legacies such as MC and Morden in the first place?
Even if the MC is above normal humans in terms of power, if they are indeed related to Gods, they are still not equal to Gods, so I don’t see how he could do something that Gods struggled to do
What says they struggled in sealing it? All we know was that it was sealed then unsealed multiple times…
Well, first of all, we are the main character.
Second of all, since we have ichor, we’ll probably be way stronger than normal humans. Also, remember Morden? He’s a curse user, and he also as ichor, so he will also be very powerful, probably more than us.
Well if sealing it was easy, why wouldn’t they just destroy it? Sealing something is a band-aid fix if you can’t actually defeat it.