Dark Sea QOL Changes

Dark Sea QOL Changes
effort 4.4 10 quality 4.454545454545454 11 reasonability 4.545454545454546 11

Arcanium cannons (jk idfk)


this is cool yes but tbh the only one this is useful on are probably sharks, and by the time you see them you are already dead

( unless you have swimspeed gem ig )

white eyes is massive enough for u to spot most of the time ( not to mention the health bar )

body hair:

idk what that is but yeah sounds useful enough

no comment

please do

explain your reasoning for a bad rating rather than saying nonsense like this ty


Perfect suggestion 10/10

Ty brudda

also increase the dark sealed chests despawn timer, basically when a Dark Sealed Chest is placed somewhere that isnā€™t on your boat, it will start to despawn very quickly, vetex should increase that timer drastically



ā€˜I agree with all of the 5 suggestions except for 4 of those 5 suggestionsā€™ bruh

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Also canā€™t see much wrong with this, apart from something like the rain indicator not being too much of a problem compared to something like rng lightning or chest despawn timer.

Increasing chest despawn timer would be lovely imo cos multiple times when Iā€™ve been collecting dark sealed chests an atlantean that hadnā€™t loaded into the structure yet suddenly finished loading whilst I have a sealed chest in my hands, forcing me to drop it and fight, praying that I can kill those cheating ass enemies before the timer runs out.

And for Lightning Indicator, I still remember that topic about rng lightning doing %hp damage, where someone rigged up a lightning magic circle for the rng lightning to suow where it would strike. Having something like that or even just the hair standing on end to indicate lightning would be great, and would stop the numerous posts and replies of people getting screwed by zeus when theyā€™re on low health during or after a fight.

itā€™s crazy how some people seem to be allergic to basic quality of life in the AO community (vetex included)

I edited it

Yes, please.These Atlanteans chasing me for hours on end after i sink their boatā€¦and also not being able to find them to finish them off (their color scheme usually blends in with the water.), this change will make them easier to spot them, and then snipe them, while also giving them a drip factor.

Such a feature would make certain situations, where you get struck by lightning twice and then being at red-colored health because of this less common (that happened to me once.), and makes them less of a nuisance overall, making near-death situations from lightning bolts rare.

Very much need this, because wellā€¦my Dark Sea runs have an obsession with spanwing Mount Everest-Sized islands every 20 minutes that take hours upon hours to climb, that would make it less tedious to get chests from very large and tall islands this way.
Despawn time usually isnā€™t a problem for meā€¦but i think it needs a small increase.

As a person that gets water poisoning 0-2 times per dark sea runā€¦even because of such luck makes me get water poisoning rarely, i think knowing when my water poisoning immunity runs out would be good to know in the future.

I agree, so i can atleast see Atlanteans better, spot cargo much easierā€¦and so i donā€™t have to see the stinky magic water in my hull.

Overallā€¦You cooked this one.


heā€™s talking about sharks etc

I see, butā€¦whatā€™s the point in adding an aura for sharks and sea monsters in that case? i think Atlanteans need it more, they blend in with the water, usually.

atlanteans are half fish atp

depends on the rank of Atlantean, because Lost Sailor is still mostly human.

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All of these QOL changes are good. Although, maybe instead of lowering the water level, cargo crates should just float higher (maybe the player as well since the water hitbox and the visuals donā€™t match very well).

Overall good suggestion. I donā€™t think this is enough to make the dark sea truly fun but itā€™s five steps in the right direction.