What is it?
Its a new…hopefully…series that im planning to do, called “Dark Sea Random Island”, where i would use my NEWLY created generator, which gives me stats of an island, and i create it using my theater-of-the-mind.
For the first island i got:
- Small
- Swamp
- U shape
- Crystal + Rock biome
(probably will change the name to just Island generator, but god damn, i dark sea island generator sounds cool)
And so i did…
About Generator
I made this generator like…20 minutes before doing an actual build, so its kinda short, so any ideas for “type of island” and “unique feature” is welcomed!
How island was built
On left, you can see a “sketch” created with a brush tool, so i can what shape an i even building.
On RIGHT, you can see already built version, yet its not yet colored. (Built from left bottom to right bottom)
Added materlia and colored
Adding trees, rocks, bushes and crystals
Adding ocean