Dark Sea Rescue Missions | Dark Sea Distress Calls

Dark Sea Rescue Missions | Dark Sea Distress Calls https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/3/0/3075b01ada27e143ddaa927a7c55362edb08558f_2_1024x768.jpeg
effort 4.555555555555555 9 quality 4.333333333333333 9 reasonability 3.333333333333333 9

Removed the 2x multiplier

Removed the double loot

Reminds me of pokemon mystery dungeon.
I do agree with the fact that dark sea isn’t even that hard at the moment depending where you go. That’s why I think the requirement to call for a rescue should be more difficult (such as losing to an enemy 2x or more your level or something, but my example probably sucks)

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This sounds amazing. To be honest, this might actually need to be implemented as a way to save Players from pretty much dying to Random RNG of the Sea™.

However, then comes the problem of, “what if the wrong player comes along and decides to kill you?”

No idea what you should do then - maybe it should be only those of your side (and neutral can be picked up by anyone).

Also, fame/bounty should be awarded for assisting someone of your side… and not just stopping ships from trying to save said person.

Oh, and she’s pretty sure it should be ship only - not just walk up and touch, if that isn’t mentioned already. Considering how some people can wear some gemstones and become a torpedo heading towards your location at Mach 6, of course.

(could also pick up the person in question and toss them onto your ship to give them a short amount of time before they can stand back up again and get back to work)

i love the idea, it sounds awesome being able to rescue people and have a final lifeline when you’re downed from some bull or just severe skill issues, and would love to see it implemented…
IF this were a different game

this kind of mechanic only really hits the spot if the game made you actually lose stuff that you already had prior to your expedition, like a roguelike
the dark sea is supposed to be risky, but i think its already pretty damn balanced in how much you lose compared to how much you gain (you either get a lot of loot, or lose nothing except your time)

i get that its frustrating to lose up to an hour of your time and 30 sealed chests just because lightning struck you 4 times, removed your arm, and paralyzed you next to the damn lvl 500 monsters but you don’t lose anything of value other than that (maybe galleons but damn just do cargo)

still, if you somehow find a way to make it balanced around the fact that you lose nothing that you already own even if you die, i’ll gladly support the idea (cause damn you made it sound like its a scene in a movie lol)

I would definitely be one of the people who goes after every distress signal. Not because of the rewards necessarily, but because of the fun interaction. It’s cool to have more reasons to go to the dark sea. Saving people would definitely be fun, but if thats too much for Vetex to add, then I propose some sort of a quest for this. Like the bounty boards, there could be a board showing distress signals of random npc ships/castaways. You can then go out and save them for some rewards.

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negative rep players should be able to plunder the person who sent out the rescue call but other than that good suggestion

…plunder… negative rep people… as negative rep people?

anything to make Dark Sea less difficult

ur right. opposite rep people should be allowed to plunder OR arrest the person who sent out the rescue call

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