As we know it, the Dark Sea is a treacherous place, especially for solo expeditioners. Dying basically means “haha get zapped back to Ravenna”.
How would it work?
Rescue Missions would occur where a notification will be sent to your inbox with a purple outline saying something along the lines of “Sailor (Name) in distress!”. Accepting the rescue request will give you another compass (Orange side pointing towards the player) and the player requesting help will recieve a notification saying “Help is on the way”.
To be eligible to be saved, you need to have been alive for at least 20 minutes in the dark sea (and not have been downed). You have to be the last player in your group alive (or solo). Send out a distress signal by selecting the message prompt that is only available when downed in the dark sea. For this to work you cannot be in the water or on unstable ground.
You will live for 2 minutes while waiting for someone to accept (You can of course, not send one, in which case you would die at the normal rate). If someone doesn’t accept within 2 minutes, you immediately die. If someone accepts, you are allowed to spectate your rescuer.
Multiple people can accept the request at once, and the rescuer and the person being rescued will be able to see how many people are coming to save them (So you don’t waste 15 minutes in the dark sea when someone is already there).
Allotted Rescue Times
Range 1- 10 Minutes
Range 2- 15 Minutes
Range 3+ 20 Minutes
(Can be changed ofc)
For starters, if you rescue someone, you will immediately receive 2k galleons, your ship be repaired 25% of the way and you gain clearsight for some time.
How to prevent cheating this system?
Well, there obviously is the whole you need to spend 20 minutes in the dark sea thing.
It kind of sucks going to the dark sea, getting around 20 dark sealed and end up getting zeus’d or ganked by a level 600 Atlantean. It also sucks having your party members die without any reward. Not only does this allow your party to continue their expedition with you if they accept your distress call, but you get to keep your loot as well since your ship doesn’t despawn. It is especially good if you are someone who doesn’t have a lot of time and just wasted it due to something stupid.
Got any feedback or changes? Tell me in the comments
And always, please vote if you like the idea
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