Dark Sea Rework

Dark Sea Rework
effort 2.142857142857143 7 quality 1.8 10 reasonability 1.0 10

Ok so hear me out.

The first thing is Insanity Rework.(Not Final)

  1. You hear the void(So at this stage, you start getting the insanity messages, and you see shadow figures appear to watch you) (Players will also be passively sweating)
  2. You see the void(The Shadow Figures will now mimic your avatar. You start to see random shading, and the screen will change to those memorable dark red and purple colors along with the fake player icons and location markers)
  3. You Speak to the Void(Your Health/Energy/Stamina/Hunger will now be completely blacked out, preventing you from knowing where your stats are. The Shadow Figures will now begin to take the appearance of Atlanteans and slowly walk towards you.)
  4. You Are the Void( You start seeing the Ghost fire screen frequently, and now shadow figures can attack you. Your appearance will also begin to warp physically(until insanity is removed), and you will start to resemble Atlanteans. Also, passive healing is slowed by 50%
  5. Void is You(All other players, shadow figures, NPCs, and enemies will now look like Monster Atlanteans, and friendly fire is turned on(party or not). You see cataclysmic fireworks go off in the distance. Your character will “pass out” (Eyes close animation and 3-sec paralysis). Passive Healing is Reduced by 100%

Ok, second is the dark sea rework

So when the update came out, I felt like it was over the dangerous new land, but now I see people are getting to the epic center with no problem, so I felt like, at this point, the dark sea would work better as a dungeon over a new land.

Introducing a compass mini menu that lets players switch between which compass.

Compass Rework

*Normal Compass will spin randomly for 10 seconds, point towards the closest exit for 3, and then return to randomly spinning repeatedly.

Mana Compass is added.

(Basically, it does what the Dark Sea Compass does)

*Dark Sea Compass will now point towards islands. Ancient Lighting Strikes, Sea Beast, And Atlantean ships

Epicenter Compass has been added.

(It can only be equipped when under the status effect of insanity(losing through any means will remove it from your inventory.)

(Its Drop chance from the chest in the dark sea goes as follows

1:60 in insanity 1

1:30 in Insanity 2

1:15 in Insanity 3

1:5 in insanity 4

1:1 In insanity 5(will automatically be given in next chest)

It points to the one and only epicenter

It only starts pointing to the epicenter in the far reaches

There’s one more compass, but I want to explain the rest of this idea.

As you continue your trip in the dark sea, you’ll slowly make your way to the epic center, being forced to batter all kinds of troubles.

As you continue your trip, the spawn rate of all Atlanteans/Atlantean ships/Sea Beasts will go up until you reach the FAR REACHES(which will now only be in insanity 5).

After that, use the epicenter compass to travel to the said location.

And found that a crew of insane and mad Atlanteans have taken it over.

What now begins would be a 3 stage boss fight.

Stage one: Sink 3 Atlantean Brigs

Stage two: Kill the Sea beast (That will be 100% aware of your location)

Stage three: kill the leader, A level 1000 legendary Monster Atlantean with a boss bar(so health doubles with every person who damages it)(It also will attack all players in its range, so no sitting on the sidelines)

Once it falls (somehow), It will drop some pretty good loot, along with the final compass…

Mimhere Compass

I think you know where it points.

It will give perpetual effects of +5 Insanity no matter the amount of warding.

It disappears once you leave the far reaches.

If you choose to follow it, a few things will happen.

All Atlantean ships/Sea Beasts will know your location and constantly hunt you down.

For the next 30 minutes(max speed), you will be in a constant shootout with anything that moves.

All to reach the one and only

MIMHERE ISLAND(which has a barrier inside to keep you safe and provides Infinite Warding and Eraces both the epicenter compass and the Mimhere Compass)

(the island only spawns three acrimony per person that enters the barrier, so only 3 per victim)

There will be a bed of acrimony that the player can sleep in, which will teleport them to a random island back where they were initially.

All Dark Sea chest collect will be in your ship’s deck once it spawns.

he’s not gonna do this

I mean Realistically, Probably not, But hey best case scenario he see this and says no.

i feel like this post was written under the effects of insanity


I feel like this could have been 2 or 3 far more in-depth suggestions.

You cooked but it turned out to be poison.


“worst he can say is no”
buddy you’re going to get roasted by the forumers

I said best case scenario, he says no cause ngl it is a big and unrealistic request.

This is fucking Salmonella

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you have a hidden talent, talkalot

please, keep it hidden

Never let bro cook AGAIN

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anybody can write good suggestions, it just requires the patience to write something in detail, good formatting, and a whole lot of questions to make sure what you’re writing is worth writing.

this needed alot more of all of these!

also this is like 3 very distinct suggestions packed into one place and that was never going to go well lol.
not only does this make it much more of a headache to read but the faults of one suggestion will harm all the others, like the insanity rework and mimhere island stuff is completely out there and makes no sense but I could get behind having some tools to better navigate the dark sea.

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I feel terrible giving this the ratings reserved for clown suggestions because there’s genuinely neat ideas here like having separate compasses for Dark Sea ranges and Mirage Islands, but it just doesn’t fit the dark sea or has unnecessary nuance to it all. With some refining, it could be something decent, but for now it just isn’t that.

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I aint called Talkalot for nothing :slight_smile:

K, Sounds Good

Thanks for the criticism mate. This Was My First Suggestion, so I love the overall feedback!

Thank you man

do you think this was the suggestion that got him into the group

as for my actual opinion, this feels like a brain storm at 3 am that instead of being reconsidered and thought out was posted here directly. Please read your suggestions multiple times before posting.