Dark sea skills discussion

“its final hit”
So multi hit?



Suddenly wanna change my conj to a warlock :money_mouth_face:
(I couldn’t find a different emoji that worked better)

(moonlight warlocks have joined the chat)


but with your bare hands

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Moonlight light + thermo fist warlocks when they get the best buffs this update (they can constantly stack DoT now with the status effect change to deal more damage on top of the buffs given from light being stacked w/ more rare skills + they get to look cool):


or selino in greek - Google Suche

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well its not a week anymore. Currently it’s unknown how long till it takes affect, it hopefully will not.

Rip AO 2023 - 2023

Please no, I’ve been praying for this update to make my build worse so that people stop calling me a metamancer for using a set-up that I planned months before the game released :pray:


Seems like Selino is the same attack that Lady Carina uses.

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Which one?

Tornado, slash or the teleport one?

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I thought Carina’s was just small melee axe slash


But all of those are crescent strikes. Only Selino’s final strike is a crescent.

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selino does NOT sound like an attack name it sounds like a shitty oc name


Honestly I can see it as an advanced technique name, but I agree it does sound like a character name too.

Wtf, flamethrower?

Ain’t no way you can move in those 8 seconds, and if we wont be able to move, i think it will be pretty meh move.
I only can imagine Puddle or Cloud magic do the funny with hazard spam.

Patreon not censoring anything part 2302