“What!?” You exclaimed, opening this post. “Dark Sea treasure charts are ridiculous!”
Give me a chance.
This proposal is completely pointless if treasure charts already exist in the Dark Sea, but I scoured the patch notes and it appears that they do not exist in the Dark Sea.
Let’s get the obvious out of the way - the current method of implementing treasure charts are not viable to use in the Dark Sea - they rely on consistent island placement and large landmasses, mostly focusing on the search for the spot rather than the island itself.
In the Dark Sea, the focus would be on finding the island itself - and due to the nature of the Dark Sea, a much harder challenge compared to normal treasure charts.
My idea for Dark Sea charts (as I will now be calling them) is for them to focus on three major factors: appearance of the island, size of the island, and approximate distance OR cardinal direction (due to the ‘shifting seas’).
Additionally, Dark Sea charts would have to have less steps compared to normal charts, else they would be nearly impossible without spending hours searching - therefore, I propose them to start at Rare, with 1 location, then increasing to 2 with Exotic and 3 with Legendary.
For example, a Rare Dark Sea chart located in the earlier ranges of the East Dark Sea picked up on x island (doesn’t really matter what the origin is) could direct to a large, mountainous ice-based island with a hint such as “when the time is right (flavor), travel northeast a moderate distance to an icy land towering above the waters. My treasure is buried next to x landmark.”
Obviously a lot of the details would have to be ironed out and the scope of Dark Sea treasure charts is quite large, but I feel that the eventual implementation of Dark Sea charts would be a valuable mechanic in improving exploration of the Dark Sea and giving additional objectives when going on lengthy expeditions.