Dark seas update date revealed

bre meta won’t be no where near the same next update thoe. although there will be a higher skill ceiling. bro plus avoiding conflict is a skill too lots of ways to go about that is if u have to. If i rlly had to I would just go north to behind the Pelion rift, and come back to Redwake no one would see you. Anyways most the time im up for a good fight even if i lose i actually love the open world pvp aspect of AO.

i don’t think it’ll encourage that, that’d be a horribly inefficient way to farm stuff

also you respawn on your brig so you can just keep coming back until you kill them

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did you forget that other players can kill your brig spawnpoint by walking up to the bed and saying no

nope, i just assume most people will have either forgotten about that or just don’t know so i don’t think it’ll be much of a problem

when sensing is added, i will be thoroughly concerned

nah fr.

just to take the loot and renown all at once

I assume it won’t be that atrocious though that’s probably why I’m going in a team with several other members

it’s much harder to gank an army of players as opposed to one.

watch a clan jump you with five different brigs for your dozens of dark sealed chests with their meta shadow builds

(the new meta wont take place until people come back from dark sea with absurd armor)

shadow magic isn’t meta. just really good.

damn bro im gonna miss release

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yeah, the point is sorta just getting jumped by current meta builds in general

Im absolutely gonna be taking the longest route to get to the bronze sea, im paranoid as hell
and people that play this game can be some FREAKS

arcane odyssey update just a week away! can you believe it guys?

why the hell did it not reply to the dude i was just pinging or whatever is the forum equivalent
i know i clicked on the reply button :angry:

actually i may be tripping and i dont think it was here

Well more like, 10 days away.


Ngl there’s kinda like no point in doing that when you can grind the Dark Sea yourself unless you don’t have a good ship for it. Only thing I can see is pvpers attacking any looted up ships they happen to see but that’s normal and already happens with cargo

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which is already unfortunate…

this is why we dont be too greedy folks, hoarding 20+ sealed chests ESPECIALLY DARK SEA ONES is asking for trouble

Maybe the greedy ones are the people who ganks basically anyone who has sealed, dark sea or not, the ones who ganks cargo are just dickheads though because they don’t even steal the cargo

But I digress

they’re simply roleplaying the pirate life mhmmmm

(on a serious note if your feeling like having a nice grind session, serverhop till your at a newbie server)