Darkane Odyssey Official Topic

someone made a team closer to your sever region drayal

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Vetex usually drops the update when i was asleep so idk about the 1h prep

you snooze you lose

No like it’s 4am in asia

Team Hekate is still recreating because screw having too many members :heart:

i changed my region from jap to usw btw

dunno why tho, pretty sure im closer to jap than whatever usw is but roblox automatically connect me there

philippines severs in dw is the smoothest to me btw, if thats any important

Created Expedition Team Poseidon for people in JAP/NA/AS, welcome to join

Free love pot throwables for all to use on the sirens & atlanteans :money_mouth_face:

You should post this in team advertising in the darkane discord

Poseidon wants YOU to JOIN UP! The only thing we have waiting for your place in the crew is MOUNTAINS of TREASURE and a BODY BAG in case you can’t handle ALL THAT ATLANTUSSY WE’RE GONNA GET IN THE DARK SEA. YOU WILL get NAKED and OILED UP with the (FREE) LOVE POTS and POUND those SIRENS 20,000 leagues UNDER THE SEA, ALL THE WAY to DAVY JONES’ LOCKER all GREEK WRESTLING STYLE. EXPEDITION TEAM :ocean: POSEIDON :ocean: will provide you with ALL the equipment and training YOU NEED to PLUNDER ASUNDER, and CONQUER all the PERILS the DARK SEA holds.

Poseidon is the god of the MOTHERFUCKING OCEAN, and NO ONE can top us when it comes to an EXPEDITION in the dark SEA. PERIOD. THAT’S RIGHT, this trip is NOT for the FAINT OF HEART like those plutus CRETINS, QUAKING in their BREECHES at our SEAFARING PROWESS, our APTITUDE for COMBAT, and our UNWAVERING RESOLVE in the face of HARDSHIP; because not even a MILLION galleons can fix their DEBILITATING SKILL ISSUE for GOOD. EXPEDITION TEAM :ocean: POSEIDON :ocean: is the ONLY team where YOU can CARRY THE BOATS and THE LOGS, overcome ADVERSITY, and EMERGE as an INDEFINITELY MORE SHARPENED and REFINED INDIVIDUAL you wish you were today.

The choice is clear. YOU received moist papa’s blessing, YOU received the CALL TO ARMS, and what do you know, fate has once again brought YOU to my doorstep. What are you waiting for? Join Expedition Team :ocean: Poseidon :ocean: NOW!

this has got done to be the most geeky shit ive seen in so long :sob: :sob: mane wtffffff

Made my own team to spite the rest fr

Bro actually did it

Did this man really say ‘Geeky’? Do my eyes deceive me, was that word really used here?


no JAP or AS :sob:

@Sebastian_Banks Qhar?

no like the jap servers r gone so i may disconnect and stuff
and it’s a legit server gacha for me rn

True the japanese servers disappeared last month or so when oppenheimer was released

Dibs has finally realized that everyone thqt plays Arcane Odyssey is a nerd :pensive:

Took him long enough

i knew they werent using cgi

I’m gonna be honest I think this post right here ruined darcane odyssey

We went from a decent small community of forumers, to 83 people and having 14 rules (nearly all of which being written by a single mod, with the worst part being that most of them are entirely fair and have an incident behind them [why do we even have mods]).
Like seriously the server isn’t some long-lasting thing it’s gonna die like a day after the dark sea is released why did we get THAT many people

Back in my day there was only two unspoken rules:

  • Use Common Sense
  • Ignore Banana