Darkmage back at it again

darkmage back it again

let him cook

no bro he didn’t just burn it, the entire kitchens gone now

he started the great london fire

I don’t know who this darkmage is but they sound to be the root of all destruction caused by bad cooking.

they just posted a suggestion in rfao4 for player obtainable curses and haki (haki so non magic users can fight curse users i presume)

Cryo about bust…

To be fair I made an adaptation fighting style suggestion in the forums which is literally Mahoraga. Although at the same time I didn’t suggest for something that makes everyone instantly as strong as a level 1000+.

yea but they posted it in rfao for like the third time now and sparked like 50 messages clowning on them

They’ve done this before and we’ve explained why (me mainly with a friendly frying pan to the face) that curses don’t work with players

i also don’t get why you’d want player obtainable curses anyway unless you just want something stronger that other people can’t have, cause most curses you can just use the magic for if you like the element

I think they really just misunderstand why curses are just too powerful and exclusionary to let players have. The last time they did this (with chatGPT of course) it was curses being drops from sea monsters for some reason and then being used for… vaguely described armor imbuement…

Honestly, I thought you were taking inspiration from the Formless style from Kengan Ashura

This so not called for all I did was just make a quick suggestion and yall started clowning me

Probably because I didn’t mention a wheel :skull:

Buddy we clown on you because you make a suggestion in Reminder and trying to start a discussion, multiple times already. Take the clowning and stop, thank you

Because this feature.was denied at east a dozen times

just play Online Fighting

then dont put it in reminders

don’t put it ANYWHERE