Data collection part 4 🤑

like usually continuing from here, and traditional clickbait thumbnail

this question’s been bouncing in my brain and need to let it out, should hitstun be added to arcane odyssey? i’m not super involved with ao’s pvp, but i feel it’s crucial in fighting games for a proper give and take rather than 2 people slapping each other until one collapses. granted, there’d need to be some tweaking of mechanics to account for it, but i feel it’d be healthy overall. some of the future questions also revolve around thoughts for combat to orient that aspect similarly to a fighting game, but won’t have massive blurbs like this

should hitstun be added?
  • yes
  • no
0 voters
should grab-type moves (such as the snare spell) connect when the opponent blocks?
  • yes
  • no
0 voters
preferred ao wiki?
  • fandom
  • miraheze
  • another
  • don’t care
0 voters
do you feel as if you are whole?
  • yes
  • probably
  • maybe/don’t know
  • probably not
  • no
0 voters

there’s a more in-depth poll regarding the event in the discord server, but as a brief sample question,

do you enjoy the yuletide event?
  • yes
  • somewhat
  • maybe/unsure
  • have not completed the event yet
  • not really
  • no
0 voters
which of the outcomes regarding hecate’s essence do you agree with?
  • no opinion
  • should be left unchanged
  • conceptually the same, but increase spawn rate
  • conceptually the same, but decrease spawn rate
  • should have an indicator on an island containing hecate’s essence
  • should be scrapped/vastly reworked into another method of changing first magic
  • should be completely removed and offer no alternative to changing first magic
  • other
0 voters
what should be done with intensity?
  • leave it as it is (ultimate art cooldown, larger puddles/clouds, etc) without change
  • leave it as it is, but overall net buffs
  • leave it as it is, but overall net nerfs
  • rework into startup lag/end lag for attacks instead of attack speed
  • another rework
  • completely removed
  • no opinion
0 voters
what should be done with agility?
  • leave as is without change
  • leave as is with overall net buffs
  • leave as is with overall net nerfs
  • some rework (elaborate)
  • completely removed
  • no opinion
0 voters

another mini survey but wanted to go about some questions that people are griping a lot about and questions of my own interest


does he know

i vaguely remember hearing it was going to be changed but didn’t remember off the top of my head or if it was already

i had this idea for hecate essence to help with its current issues
and also hecate essence needs its spawning bugs fixed whenever possible

agility needs either a rework to prevent the issue of running constantly (e.g. a debuff when consistently spamming dodge reflex/ground dodges), or a removal entirely

you know it already got a rework right
it gives flat cooldown reductions now
and all its other effects became secondary jewel effects

@Trli why are you fandom.

buff agility plese <3

more information + easier to use (if you have adblock)


can you tell them to unblock my account… and also you unblock me on discord? please?

Fuck you


some people wanna watch the world burn :sob:

84% no on hitstun the idea’s ahead of its time :pensive: what do some of y’all think about it

ao’s pvp is agility based as opposed to something like deepwoken (parry-based) or a battlegrounds game (stun based)

Agility is fine as is, maybe could be a little better in smaller amounts
Attack speed needs a buff it’s borderline useless as it is now

only if theres a burst mechanic like a lot of fighting games have

and also severe damage nerfs globally

i hate hitstun so much

I can’t think of any other way you’d make it possible to melee NPCs without straight up getting stat checked by all their aimbot attacks.

Strength kinda sucks in PvE because the only way to play tactically against an overleveled NPC is to maintain a safe distance where you can get out of endlag before getting hit, or attempt some extremely risky kiting maneuvers.

Why am I here?