Data wipe for TGR

It’s just a revamp that changes magic, weapons, storyline and adding new features. The items are going to be the same since it takes place in the same universe. It appears to be that you haven’t played a role of being a merchant in an MMORPG. You see, in any MMORPG, there are bound to be atleast some people who collects items to sell it to people.

All the more the reason to hoard them in WoM since the chests are closer to each other unlike in AO, where it’ll be far from each other since it’s island to island. Plus, once AO gets released, there’ll be more new players in it, hence more profit.

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3rd time today


First off. You seem like a person who’d suppose communism simply on the basis of other people having more stuff than you. Like legit tho people who got their items worked hours upon hours to get them. Removing those items is essentially the devs saying “fuck you” right to the player.

Secondly if this were to happen you’d probably destroy atleast half your entire playerbase because majority of them will feel betrayed

Thirdly this is gonna get alot of hate so lets watch the waves and storms together :smiley:

Also uhh, you say there’s no reason to them hoarding items but to them, there is. Just because you yourself dont find any reason to do it doesn’t mean the others would also have no reason to do it. That’s just how people are.

Let me use an example. Let’s say you found a homeless old man, you dont see any reason on helping him since it wont affect you or anything but other people still try to help him since that’s just how they are.

The “new game, old items shouldn’t apply” thing makes almost 0 sense.
The items in AA are almost the exact same as the items in WoM (minus boss and seasonal items), so really the old items still apply in AO.

New players probably won’t have a difficult time catching up because a lot of AO pvp still relies on skill.

Collectors like to collect, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say here, that’s like asking why people collect Pokemon cards.

Also, I agree with what Meta says, deleting items would just completely invalidate all the hard work WoM players put into grinding for rare items

I clearly want a level wipe but this is just ridiculous


nice pun.
This is a suggestion though
unlikely but if vetex were to decide to do it your decision wouldn’t matter
It’s just gonna feel better if its wiped. It’ll be like a new beginning.

also don’t you have the badge? if you want your achievement from halloween to gain some permanence there’s always that.

Not really a personal decision, I mean it IS literally, but its not one made only for my benefits.

Idk but that sounds like a completely new game
also don’t merchants trade away the items anyway? why should they care what specific items they are trading?

oh yeah this is also a good point, in AO since the chests will be farther and so it will be harder to chest farm it will be unrealistic for people to have a lot of items


why? it’s a game bruh.
not like you paid money for it. you got items in a fictional game and that’s fine but it has no basis on reality. the loss is not that significant.

why would it get hate lol?

ok what’s a reason?

the old man’s suffering is real.
are you equating losing fictional items to homelessness?

But it’s still a new game tho. It should play like its new.

but I paid for the pokemon cards tho (most likely). if I got pokemon cards for free and then lost them I wouldn’t complain (although I might be sad about it)

It wont feel better if I have my crap wiped because I just wasted hours on that. I will give myself the beginnings I want. What you are doing is trying to steal hours of work away from people. Take away the idea that these are video game items and realize what people put in to get these items. That is what you are taking away. Valuable time and work.

It isnt a “wipe to help everyone experience a new game” it is a sucker punch to say that time you put in getting gear is now nothing. A level wipe is understandable, a gear wipe is a sucker punch.

Im fine with an option to reset your files level but definitely not items considering rng and events

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people participated in the halloween event not because it gave them some recognition, they participated because of
A. a cool cosmetic
B. trading later on when it becomes hella valuable

yeah but imagine you decided to collect 100k+ pokemon cards because they were valuable and soon found out that they were completely useless, would you still be like “oh, thats ok”

yeah then what new items would he make? AO and AA are literally around the same era, allowing them to have extremely similar items makes sense

yeah maybe you didn’t pay for it, but you did sink your time into it, and time is really valuable, making it so you just lost multiple hours of work is bullshit

wait, a level wipe is understandable?

90 levels aren’t hard to grind especially when the game is planned to have 1k+ levels
also 90 levels compared to thousands of items is nothing

but what about the headless and what about the halloween items

i mean i understand this is probably satirical but the hw items are like the only block in this that i can come up with

It’s understandable because it is MUCH less, like by a LANDSLIDE.

Gear can take days upon days to get, 90 levels means a lot less. I dont think levels should be wiped by force (I do plan to make a new level 1 file though) because not everyone wants to start from square one again. Not everyone has fun the same way as I do.

But if Vetex did reset levels, it would have a lot less backlash than I’d Vetex wiped inventories.

I dont think levels should be wiped by force I’m saying it wouldnt be as bad

People farm items for many reasons such as making builds, trading, collection ,etc

i mean level wiping makes sense
fuck i’m all for it

just kinda uh
preserve the items and all’s good

Dunno man, doesnt feel like a completely new game to me since it’ll be the same thing but different storyline.

It’s not the items they care about, it’s the profit. Just imagine in my shoes for a sec, my 300K+ items that I hoarded for AO gone in a flash without any profit gained to me. How do you think would you feel?

Dunno man, there are countless reasons for other people but if you were to ask what my reason for hoarding, it’s profit.

Differenciating reality and fiction isnt my point bud. Human behavior still plays a role in games.

In my opinion, you’re pretty selfish here bud. Not even considering people’s feelings when it comes to hard work just because it isnt your hard work.

I agree with u on that one tatic

That’s weird. I can’t really imagine myself collecting 100k+ pokemon cards for any reason unless I was in deep poverty, so idk what I’d say.

But if players have access to items from earlier its like the TGR never happened because some remnants of it still exist.

I mean, I believe that it’s impossible to “waste time” in the sense that time is not really a physical object to human beings but simply the result of us being able to recognize changes in ur environment. regardless of what you did before now is still now, nothing is wasted because the work was in the past. Also and? It’s a new game bruh, you don’t play other games expecting items from another game to transfer, right?