Data wipe for TGR

For the playerbase? Dunno man, feels like what you’re saying is forcing other players to go into a new game just because they played earlier than you do. Plus, you wont even consider the feelings of those who grinded items, so let me tell you this again, is that really for the playerbase?

It isnt being selfish here bud, im putting myself in the shoes of those who grinded for items and knowing how they would feel when the hard work they made is gone a flash and not a single compensation was given to them.


can we close the forums until AO releases?


Ok I’ll try to make this quick

  • Limited items won’t ever be obtainable again
  • Literally the thing you spend by far the most time on is your inventory

if anything, that will discourage a ton of players from getting into AO
EDIT : I meant a ton of players from WoM to get into AO

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“It’s obvious bro, my ass is a great source of data”

You have nothing proving your claims, you have a majority going against you, I think you should realize you’re only doing this out of envy of other’s work.


Yes it brings me enjoyment to, and I will never undervalue what hours of work means. That is energy and time and will power put into getting items, a goal was set and the player went out to reach their prize.

If you say the prize doesnt exist after they do the work to achieve the prize you are stealing the enjoyment and satisfaction of playing.



At this point, it feels like there’s just going to be more rants after this so yeah sure (ΦωΦσ)σ

I’m not gonna say why this is bad since it would be too much typing and most of the points are already made

Also ham > bacon

uhh, i joined the forums on july 1, so obviously i started playing around that time
when did the game come out again? not being sarcastic i don’t remember
i think it was mid 2020 tho so I was at most a month late

it’ll be better for them tho, i’ll explain while responding to the next one

I literally just said that it will happen in the future so aside from a poll which is bound to be limited I cant get “data”
i can surmise that it’ll be good tho
by wiping the game people will have to experience the new game in its entirety which is better

from getting into the game? how?

Yes you can, make a poll on would people think resetting items/levels would be more fun or not instead of making up your own narrative

That’s your individual opinion, you have no majority poll or survey to source, if you want to do that, wipe your own files instead of trying to wipe everyone in the game’s.

Because people dont want to play a game that is willing to throw out hours of their work and give nothing in return.

God damn it…

stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying stop replying

Can we like… Not have a thread having people going to shit for ONE WEEK?

Bro why do you always use white backgrounds

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Yeah lol, pretty much just stop replying to the OP considering he isnt even considering the feelings of those who worked hard for it. So no matter what you give him would just become pointless since all he cares about is for himself.

*one day :fr:

I suppose if you find both of those things in the acquisition of the prize. this prize doesn’t exist, nor does it have the capacity to meaningfully impact your actual life, though, so why would you do that?

forgot to talk about this, but envy?

skewed data, would be exposed to those who were super active in the game most likely, whose goals aren’t necessarily reflective on all the players
besides I already said that it doesn’t even matter


but it won’t affect them

Okay im putting an end to this right the fuck now.

@liu delete this post before we get a repeat of that guild thing