Dawn of the Third Day (3 Days Remain). Talk about your future AO files!


Ice is the worst in terms of stats actually


welp ice is an easy nope from me.

First file is going to be a pure mage

My other file is just going to be guns and nothing else

well ig i can go ahead and update my current files only and not gonna fill in the others cause i am not in the mood of writing a list of 44+ files man ;-; i want to go commit war crimes on wom 2 and vibe

my freedom on files has also expanded by a huge margin since synergies aren’t a thing to concern urself with anymore which is hella pog.

Oskar - Warlock

Light (moonlight) [Starlight Variant where? :modCheck:]
Water (Abyssal)
[Light or Water replaced by Lunar Magic]

  • this is my main file and is the second time i’ve made Oskar since i lost my original main account due to roblox not sending 2 step verification emails since open 2017
  • Linsey is his older sister w/ a more defensive relaxed strike hard approach to warlock styles (hence knocking fist)
N/A- Mage
  • originally plasma file but i think i’m gonna go something else for now
  • has a name inheritance from an important character in my own stories hence why i want to change it
Kaden- Mage/Conjuerer

Earth (Stone)
Crystal (Sunstone/undecided)

  • if conjurer it would be a katana and spear and maybe more
  • was a summer hold mercenary originally
  • now is just a very well known pseudo captain/general mercenary of a kingdom in the war seas
Allan- Warlord

Cannon Fist

  • basically my blacksmith like file essentially
  • will obv switch things out wep wise for whatever fits more
    • fun fact this file actually has a sunken iron set w/ str in wom and traded it w/ a ex guildmate for an up to date lvl 90 meta mage set i had completed slightly. i fully completed the mage set and then we traded the two sets.
    • and yes w/ the str stat gone and it likely being unenchanted upon ea release the sunken iron set will likely be replaced elsewhere (likely a magic size file assuming nothing better still) and given a proper weapon user set
Lilith- Paladin

Acid (Purple)
Ice (Mystic or Sage)
spirit weps aren’t here

  • this file basically didn’t change aside from remove a third magic
    • in wom she was roughly planned to be someone from a high notoriety family who was unjustly labeled and framed for her families’ murder and forced to be a dark wizard.
    • tied her to the ultimate threat thing that was talked about in wom loosely too w/ other characters
    • no idea what her war seas lore would be and i’ll develop it as it goes but definitely on the grounds of injustice and going for revenge
Linsey- Warlock

Wood (Birch)
Earth (undecided)
Iron leg [knocking fist down the line potentially]

  • ties w/ Oskar’s lore being her sister and im currently revamping the story
Adria- Conjurer

Wind (Warm again or neutral)
[undecided second magic]

  • originally followed the wind water lightning synergy line
Andrew- Conjurer

Lightning (Blue) [replaced by Storm magic]
[undecided second magic]

  • originally followed the lighting water ice synergy
  • this file was the first glass cannon build i did w/ a dedicated mage set for
  • lore was he was a mage soldier for summerhold but now is part of the kingdom that Alyeen and Kaden resides.
Keanu- Warlock

Earth (Sandstone)
Thermo Fist

  • this file had the pure agility set w/ the merc armor version and not the mino one (the mino version was never grinded for cause we knew that bosses were going to get yeeted for ao)
    * this character has ties w/ Oskar and met him in a bar after a Valcrest mission (STC)
    * has a non-destructive hero complex.
    * a very careful, thought-out, kind humble individual that quite frankly does a marginally better job than most well intentioned ppl could ever do
N/A- Paladin

Ice (Glacial)
Snow [probably gonna be replaced by healing magic as well]

  • i don’t remember what this file originally was but it’s here now and i want an ice healer sage swordsmen bankai style
Mark- Warden/Knight/Paladin

[If going Paladin]

Metal (Steel/Dark)
Wind (Neutral)
Spirit weps
[If going Knight]

Katana/Sword/Shortsword idk updated wep list man
[If going Warden]

spirit weps

  • im leaning towards knight since warden doesnt exist sadly but i might stick w/ it and prob avoid the file for a bit
    • originally a conjurer but i decided i had a fair amount of conjurers and doesn’t fit the theme too much as weps were a means of utility in wom for breaking me out of prision and maybe a source of dmg when out of magic energy
    • we’ll have to see the difference between spirit weps and reg weps which is knight in this case
Malorie- Mage

Water (tropical)
Sand (Coastal)
Wood (Oak)

  • beach related lost/ ancient magic replacing a magic adequately
  • no set lore but probably that of a spiritual nature
N/A- Conjurer

Sand (Desert)

  • this file was originally a second light file in wom w/ the purpose of magic speed instead of casting speed on Oskar
  • caught myself that i actually did have plans for this file and not leave it up for debate
Chantal- Knight

Flintlock or Musket
Spirit weps

  • this character had glass magic originally w/ a str build that i never really fully managed to flesh out. had a mino set tho
Ayleen- Mage

Fire [Inferno?]
Ash [Replaced by Flare]
Magma [Replaced by Sun or any non grand flame fire magic]

  • this file was a regular standard mage set on the more tankier side w/ an MC theme
    • there’s a slightly possibility i could either do Inferno for the potential GN lore theme to continue off w/ a file in an NPC faction. but i’m very likely not doing the GN route and more in favor of the Keanu and Kaden relationship
    • or do inferno because she has gotten her mastery of fire so well that they just default to being blue hence the need of inferno or smth
    • war seas lore is that she’s basically the general of the kingdom that Andrew and Kaden reside now
Ailing- Mage

Explosion (Mei Reference)
Sand or Fire [Replaced by Flare magic]

  • this is supposed to be my alchemist file continuing on a magic size focused build (gimmicks atw)
  • lives in the same kingdom as Mei
  • lore hasn’t changed too much other than the setting and potentially being part of an allied kingdom of Kaden, Ayleen, and Andrew
Seida- Beserker

Iron Leg

  • orignally a magma user and i have a lot of mage files to do anyways and at the time when making the list originally had and still have a lot of mages planned
    • the starting original list said crane fighting style lol
Drazen- Juggernaut

Knocking or karate
Spirit weps

  • this file originally was a yellow crystal magic user w/ name inheritance of an important character in my own stories. Drazen in the AU sense gets a slight pass since idk any other draconic name aside from literally being named Dragon.
Mei- Mage

Ash (Ailing Reference)

  • Mei is great friends w/ Ailing going down the path of big magic explosions. Ailing is that of the alchemy side with her magic while Mei is on the construction side of things w/ her magic. i.e removing rubble and using the use of demolition and landscaping needs.
  • lives in the same kingdom as Ailing
    • plasma is set to be replaced by an adequate explosive lost/ancient magic (no grand flame magics)
    • not sure on losts/ancients if at all
Aisha- FS Savant

Sailor Fist
Iron Leg
Spirit Weps?

  • my understanding of savants is slightly off but i’ll make it work
  • not sure if i want to keep the original poison magic only (ironic since she’s a fisherwomen) but i’ll figure it out in the end
Garrett- Warlock

Wind (Neutral) [replaced by storm magic]
Plasma (Gamma)
Knocking fist [basic combat in the meantime]

  • Garrett was originally going the 3 magics 2 fs route w/ wind, plasma, ash, karate and knocking fist but this path is no longer available of course

names aren’t 100% solid either too as i’ve already ‘renamed’ Keanu in wom 2 but we’ll see. see u all later w/ my 44+ minimum total files down the line.

(i spent 2 hours revising this entire thing man i am not gonna have a good time w/ the other files i’ve yet to list but i got clear ideas of what i want to do)

don’t ask how i’m gonna lvl them to lvl 1k and get their lost/ancient magics thats for future me to deal w/ lmao (gimmick prioritization and whats fun)

My first build will be a Berserker build with Iron leg and Cannon fist

Second build will be a warden when they get added back with spirit weapons

My third build will be a magic savant build Explosion magic, Ash magic, Base combat, a staff, a shield, and a dagger

1st file: Glass Ash Conjurer (Bury The Light Man Theme)
2nd file: Fire Explosion Mage, bad rep obviously
3rd file: Sailor Fist Lightning Warlock, because conductivity

My first file will be a warlock with Lightning Magic imbued into Sailors Fist (Does this make me a metamancer?), and my second file will be a sailor-themed warlock with water magic and Sailor’s Fist.

it’s a mystery

With how lightning always paralyzed with soaked this might be the case

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screw it, i got a lot of stuff to write

File 1 (Main): Pseudo-Mage Berserker "The Vagabond"

berserker (:glass_magic: or :wind_magic_var1: starting magic) with mage drip
uses basic combat and cannon fist for now, but i will switch to a combination of impact/radius/cannon or other fighting styles once those are added (i wont use radius if its a braindead style like in aa, hopefully it uses more stamina or something)
will try to be neutral explorer/treasure hunter, but due to how i play will mostly end up as hero and bounty hunter in game

File 2: Anime Protagonist "The Phoenix"

conjurer with :magma_magic: and :ash_magic:, wields a greataxe, bow, and shield
lots of arcanium weapons for this file, probably some rare weapons as well
will be hero themed (imagine if theos and the pk swapped story roles, file 2 being theos and file 1 being pk)

File 3: Sweat and Gravy "The Storm Queen"

grand navy savant, with any combination of water, lightning, and ice based abilities (preferably :water_magic_var2:, :lightning_magic_var1:, and :ice_magic_var1: respectively)
will likely use arcanium weapons and lost spells
i dont expect to use this until 2nd awakening, and i will mostly use this for funny synergy combat (i dont wanna rk though)

File 4: Good Shot, Mate "The Eliminator"

Ass ass in syndicate file (:shadow_magic: starting magic), wielding rifle, dual flintlocks, and single flintlock
will be warlord with thermo/cannon fist for now, but i will eventually switch to knocking fist once its added (pressure point guns baby)
bounty hunter file

File 5: THE Mage Build "David Silver"

mage with :earth_magic_var2: and :wind_magic_var1:, will replace wind with slash magic and possibly earth with shatter, i also intend on getting life/healing magic
will have lots of ancient, lost, and rare spells, mostly the non-passive ones
heroic file, acting as a homage to wom (king david silver with green magic council-like outfit, most likely imitating the captains)

File 6: I've Come For Your Booty "Captain Ketch"

will be a warrior villain file with a focus on artisan weapons, though i wont use this until they are released
will also probably good for trading different types of weapons, equipment, and possibly scrolls

i have a lot more files planned (including vitality hybrids) but i dont wanna list them all

no space between shit and ton is really throwing me off

Oh my, why so many files?!?

i’m moving towards at least 4 of every stat path and the currently listed ones was during the wom era and me trying out the other magics

plus i think up things ranging from complex characters to functional world systems w/ history for the fun of things constantly so this is just another small outlet for it
1st file

I’ll be a magu conjurer for my first file

2nd file

I’ll not make a 2nd and 3rd file. No point imo, since you’d just restart the whole game and if you wanted to restart to change your magic or hometown or something, you’d just delete your first file. For my second magic I’d choose sand.

Thought there’re only 3 files?

gamepass allows up to 6

First File - Gwyneth something (prior WoM character)

:ash_magic: Warlock with iron leg, i considered thermo fist but imo iron leg is cooler. it would be interesting if the iron leg attacks left behind ash clouds. will likely have hero reputation, with a focus on bounty hunting npcs and players alike.

Second File - Silt Loam (new character)

:sand_magic_var2: :earth_magic_var3: Savant with thermo fist and a greatsword, maul and claws. i’ll likely go for villain reputation on this save, though i’m not too sure on that since getting stuff as a villain may possibly be a bit difficult like it was in WoM.

Third File - Name Pending (new character)

Conjurer with light magic, will likely use a rapier, katana and dual swords, or maybe claws, with a bunch of speed enchants. Essentially the goal of the build is to maximize cast speed. Will possibly be a member of the Grand Navy.

i’ll likely use the remaining slots for builds referencing various works of fiction and such.

even tho im late i know my first three files are gonna be warlord (big axe), knight (tank) and warlock (lightning sailor fist)