Forums, show off your files!

oh boy give a second

I did two within release week; i don’t really feel like maxing out my first (level 83) till I make my mage/warrior/warlock files

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hmmm …
so he has red hair, a teal cloak, japanese name, and uses water based attacks?

hmmm… Idk guys… I think this might be a cosplay…

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None come to my mind, must be a completely random coincidence!

Make a video of light imbued boxing NOW, it’s the only combo I want to see due to it just being pure speed.

This is a demand, order, and plead

only done Oskar and Asisatou (previously Allan if u read my plans before AO released) so far on my main and likely will do Lilith next as she’ll be paladin and maybe a magic change (likely purple crystal varaiant)

currently progresing astrea (previously Ayleen) and going smoothly so far (got my first rival from here called Harding iirc)

dabbled in Keanu for a bit stopped progressing him in favor of other classes as i’ve done Oskar who is a warlock already w/ the only difference between the two is sand magic instead of light magic

finished my giant funny ash cloud mage but since magic size doesn’t affect cloud size i’m awkwardly having a high magic size set which isn’t a bad thing

had done Audrie my first wep and villan file for Ao and it’s pretty fun. tho lvling can be a bit of slag since the positive reps can’t boost u quickly but as a result my ship on that file is decked the hell out than my main file

i have a fair ways left to go on files lol

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only 4 out of 22 original wom files done and only 40+ files left to go ;-;

File 1

Corrina is your classic energetic wind mage who wants to have enough of sinking pirate ships, but she can never catch a break.
I picked magic based on personality and not based on how cool or practical they’d be.

File 2

Ivory is a mischevious metal wizard who planned on being a master of weapons and strength, but didn’t like the weapons so she instead wanted to hone her skills in magic to try and replicate that lost knowledge.
The warlock is currently my third take of that character, because I was ended up not being a big fan of warlords and used all my resets the last two times.

File 3

Vega anchor is supposedly a twin to Corrina anchor. He’s a bold user of iron leg and explosion magic, he takes solace in traveling the seas and talking to villagers, uncovering every last secret there is to be found. Among the secrets he’s found is a legendary treasure chart.
I was originally planning on explosion and thermo fist for him, but my friend specter suggested iron leg and fire for a silly gag. However a character from one piece made me change my mind and settle on explosion instead of fire.

As for the last two files I haven’t really progressed them at all


Good point. I’ll just headcanon her as neutral then.


Good conjurer | A knight! Those are rare and I almost never see those | Uhh…good luck with the savant.

Def will in the future. Light boxing is gonna be fast af.

Damn what a collection! Astrea has the best fit out of them all imo. Keanu reaves is a close second

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i haven’t even made 3 files yet because i don’t know which ones i want to be on my main and which i want to be on my alt

Wind users rise up


fr i haven’t gotten to changing my files appearences yet aside from her w/ the new items that fit their characteristics. but i’d rather get all my currently made files done first w/ some appearance improvements along the way to then stylize all of em at once

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for now im just using one file, which is a metal crystal file
all i really do is hunt for new drip and bounty hunt lb players :woman_shrugging:

i dont make character lore

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alright heres my 3 files i have so far, file 1 is a thermo warlord, file 2 will be a sand conjurer, and file 3 is based off of my test universe’s 3rd file but will be a glass savant and hopefully i dont fuck up the allocation of stat points :pray:

test universe 3rd file

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well theres my main guy who completely changed since the test universe

(left is AO)
hes very disappointed about wind boxing so he switched to iron leg

then i got captain falcon cuz i wanted to check if axe slash made bosses bearable as a berserker

never got exactly the drip i wanted, cuz i didnt manage to find a blindfold and i stopped at level 88 as you can see. also theres no bird embodiment yet.

rest is wom files i dont care about

Minecraft font

how the hell did you get that font

what font

the minecraft font