Days since last forum argument/shit storm

I mean if they were the person getting attacked in the shit storm but they did something to escalate it, they could get mad.
That doesn’t even have to be the case though. Someone who was on the offensive the entire time could still get angry at the person getting attacked. Doesn’t really require much mental gymnastics, either.

Oh god I feel bad for macobre. He said he has to review that 404 comment mess. Macobre I am so sorry you are going through that, best of luck.

Mac is female btw

he more like she

Ah, my bad. I had no idea

idek what happened ive been drawing dogicorn this entire time

202 comments per hour, 3.38 comments per minute. really impressive

i think to avoid next big mess we should all be aware of whats happening in the moment and to calm down situation, even if mean directly telling responsible parties. like dog breaking up fights

even though I don’t like them, it’s fun to watch


Good point yoke

he had a point you know

why did you have to link my post specifically
half of the people are just agreeing with him
it’s only about the uh item wipe

I didn’t do it intentionally just posted this just in case though

Welpidity welp welp, good thing it never became into a shit storm since the OP made a bad move (Ф∀Ф)

everyone be mature
like me :weary: :nod:

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Yeah I deleted it lol

why is this website so prone to arguments and shitstorms
i blink and suddenly everyone’s shitting on each other because someone wanted to incite the 6451st rant about guilds on the forums

Challenge accepted :sunglasses:

The magic suggestions argument hasn’t ended really

blame guilds
they’re the root of all the shit in this community