Days since last forum argument/shit storm

There have been 0 days since the last shit storm on this forum.
Preceded by the “All Guilds are the same” incident (0 days).
Streak: 3

Comments: Not as good as 404 in 2 hours but Jesus Christ lmao. Also @Pox let’s hope we don’t get another one today, but if it seems that people are intentionally doing it, I won’t count it.


Jesus. TheHonestMan just sped up the destruction of the damn forums didn’t he?

Willing to bet your best save file on that streak reaching 10 at some point in the next 6 months (if I keep it up to that time)?

Alright. Bet. If we get 10 more rants about a guy ranting about us in the next 6 months and it suddenly blows up im deleting my bleoberis slot. I won’t if not you owe me a sunken sword.

Ok so I’m pretty sure I’m winning that bet but I never bothered to grind for a sunken sword.
If I get it at any point within the next 6 months it’s on tho.

Here we go again


I know lmao.
That has to be a new record, 404 replies in 2 hours, and macobre had to close shop for it to stop, too.

In fact, I’m putting that shit there.

Yeah… Shit went wild.

Did anyone already schedule their disaster post for tomorrow or is it still available?

Oh god. Istg if we get another thread like that.

While no one has contacted me about it, I’m sure someone already has something in mind, so you should probably book yours for next week to be safe.

my reaction

Hopefully tomorrow is not a rant about the rants because we already have a rant that ranted about that.

We’ll just have to see.

the ironic thing is, someone can’t get mad over a shitstorm when they contributed to it

not directed at anyone, just a random thing i was thinking about



They definitely can, I can think of 50 different scenarios in like 2 seconds.

is that continuous or does it decrease with time