Days wasted asking vetex to revert the damage change done to gun abilities

So guns has been gutted having their abilities damage being essentially halved which is a big no no to me.
So I am making this post to count the days of me asking for the damage to be reverted back.
Will it work? I don’t know but its worth trying, what will I get from doing this? Nothing!
Day 1 of asking vetex to revert gun ability damage change

Abilities? i thought it was just m1s

another soul prays, knowing his prayer will never reach God

Worth a try and by god you mean the balance team and by them your mean neanderthals

Yeah but the change kinda accidentally gutted guns overall damage

It did?.. wasn’t the change also for bows?..

Yeah idk about them but guns are fucked atm
Tempred power shot only does 239 damage
Tempered peircing shot only does 250 damage


how much power do you have?.. I’ve also noticed this actually… my piercing shot does just about as much damage as piercing gale

the balance doc:

my musket does 500 damage rn, after this it should do around 670. maybe il hit 700 when I finish my build

jits are wining over lower dmg while still doing crazy damage


what did they do to mah boy…

oh wait nvm they buffed it again yay :grinning:

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i can hit those number with ice magic at 50 power

idk i feel like gun should be able to deal higher tuan that, at least the skill should

With or without synergies

i always use ice first and wind after so sygnery… probably?

If the ice is hitting first and those are the reference numbers you’re using, no, you are not using synergy lol.

no it hasn’t been buffed, I just have insane damage with ice. After the buff I will have 700 damage on it :hugs:

i knew i was gonna get hit hard when they said they nerfed gun damage by 50%, but having my tempered musket M1 with 111 power do 200 was NOT what i expected…
