Dear Nekosaikou

I, I just can’t choose between the both of you (^=˃ᆺ˂) (^=˃ᆺ˂)

Everytime I think of it, my nose bleeds.

then cover your nose and try again.

please after everything i did for you…

i got you infamous on the forums for a reason yknow.

how could you…

ya heard of 3p?


now how do I say this without getting flagged…


it means dating 2 people at once, but once you’ll see after that first date you’ll regret even thinking about going with him.

neko ur making a huge mistake going with robotstics, he’s legit a kaneki anime edgy profile pic user!!

I see, but then again i’ll still have to chooce between the two of you at the end. Dont want to lose one of my favorites.

Ive seen his fingers and i’d say he’s pretty good with it.

you don’t have to choose only one

settle for two. or hell, even more.

come on just join the room
they got everything set up~

the choice will be easier when you get to experience them both in a intimate situation.

ehhh i’d say i’m better at the fingers but sure

you tryna steal him?

bitch can i not have shit?

no no

aw man now im disapointed
@NEKOSAIKOU was i too direct?
what didn’t i do?
did i do something wrong?

why would you break his heart like that neko?

we, no, he did so much for you
and you’re forsaking him like that for a finger boy?

what will it be? Eternal love and happiness, or finger boy?

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