Deckhands loyalty, any theories?

i hope it increases my ram dmg


I hope it increases my durability

I hope it can determine their drip

We’ve had this leaked in patreon already.
It doesn’t give stats.

i will eventually reach 7.5k ram power

…think for a moment, why would you need your deckhands to be more loyal?

What would require them to be loyal?
Anything in particular you’re thinking about?
Any reason in particular your deckhands would have to trust you wholly?

to join the moss cult

ok ngl

sooooo they can help me with my super secret ram upgrades?

read the room you motherfu-

Hmm… maybe loyalty so they dont report me to the feds for crafting 500 batches of suspicious potions in my brig…?

i aint saying i aint loyal but 20 galleons is 20 galleons

we will give them insanity stuff

my knight deckhand after receiving the 20th iron (not even deluxe) helmet :

dont tell me my deckhands can leave me for another captain :pensive:

So you’re saying this is a step for AO sex update?

I would find it funny if the only thing loyalty did is make them less likely to complain in the dark sea

good fcking news

Imagine after a bad Dark Sea expedition one of your less loyal deckhand says a unique dialogue something alongside a passive-aggressive bad remark on your skills as a captain.

Next thing you know when you dock your brig again the deckhand that said that would disappear from your crew leaving a letter to where he previously was stating that he’s left awhile ago.

woah maybe theyll be loyal enough to actually fight when pirates attack our ship :oooo